Thursday, September 9, 2021

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Warns The Mere Specter Of A U.S. Default Can Have Drastic Consequences

Former Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen © Reuters / Joshua Roberts  

CNBC: Yellen urges Congress to raise debt limit, warns Pelosi about extraordinary measures running out soon 

* Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday warned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that the mere specter of a U.S. default can have drastic consequences. 

* Yellen reiterated that lawmakers have until some point in October before the department exhausts its extended efforts to prevent what would be a historic default. 

* “A delay that calls into question the federal government’s ability to meet all its obligations would likely cause irreparable damage to the U.S. economy,” Yellen wrote. 

* Pelosi replied that addressing the ceiling “has to happen” and called upon Republicans to support an increase. 

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday warned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that the mere specter of a U.S. default can have drastic consequences for U.S. financial markets and urged Democratic leadership to raise or suspend the debt ceiling as soon as possible. 

Yellen reiterated that lawmakers have until some point in October before the department exhausts its extended efforts to prevent what would be a historic default.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Yellen triggers alarm bells over debt ceiling cliff (The Hill)  

Update #2: Yellen warns of likely October debt cliff and incoming 'irreparable damage' (Politico)  

WNU Editor: The debt limit will be raised. Next topic.


Anonymous said...

She's a globalist
Her job IS to financially collapse America

If you haven't figured it out by now

They print trillions which not only causes inflation BUT makes them richer while you get poorer

Cost of goods go up, you are less worth

And why do costs go up?

Because they printed money

And why did they print money?

Because of the lockdowns

And why did they lock us down?

For a virus with a survivability rate of 99.6%

The lockdowns are projected to kill 100million people, mostly in Africa, but in the Western world it is estimated that the lockdowns have killed nearly 10 million people, thanks to spikes in suicides, lack of care and isolation

They are ok to do all this, for the greater good

And what is this "greater good"?

Why it is the great reset, a program that wants to end nation states.

Sounds great. Who needs nation states, right? We all are a global family, so I am in...

If only that was their goal

Their real goal is to first and foremost (everything else can wait) weaken the constitution and make it an irrelevant document

Why do you think you are made to believe your history, and only your history is racist? Not China's history - the CCP killed almost 100 million of its own(!!) people in its 100 year existence. About 1 million get executed per year.

And CNN tells you day in and day out YOU are the problem and that the constitution is bad and racist and evil.


If you fall for this, you will also fall for the vaccine.

You probably only listen to CNN and think they are news and American.

No, they are globalists. They have secured their place in the new transnational party (UK, USA, Canada, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand).

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, it's not like it's happening tomorrow. Their plan is to finish this by 2030, and you even get to keep your flag pins a bit longer.

But know this:
They have a plan and their plan - the great reset and the system they want to impose on us - cannot be achieved while the constitution is still the most important document

That's why the National Archive just put a warning label on this most important document of the Western World.

They don't do it knowing about the great reset of course, they are not filled in. BUT they have been programmed and weaponised to act as if they want it all. They BELIEVE it is racist and problematic. They do not think about the consequences when this document is made irrelevant.

You can think, If you read this I know -you- can think.
Please think, that's all I am asking. Look at the attack pattern and what they all want. The weakening of the constitution

And why? Because it enshrines "INALIENABLE GOD GIVEN RIGHTS" -- it is in direct opposition to the state party system they want in this great reset. They don't want you to have rights such as free speech or weapons (to defend it).. they don't want you to own property, they don't want you to amass wealth -- they even want the new currency to expire, meaning whatever new electronic cash you get will have an expiration date so you never can escape this hell hole of slavery they will control

For the next generations.. do wake up

we can turn this planet into a paradise if we shrug off the grasp they have on your mind.. you must resist the programming and think about core values you want to defend

Here's the core values of the West they want gone
1. Freedom of speech
2. Freedom of religion and organized religion
3. The right to bear arms
4. The right to organize in groups
5. The ability to travel at will/freedom of movement
6. The ability to amass wealth and have any freedom and power over your future
7. The ability to criticize them and hold them accountable for their endless crimes from unjust wars, to drugs they push at you
8. The end of bodily autonomy, to be replaced with "collective good" (a nice sounding term, but it's rather close to communism and they will be able to legally put you in camps)

Please, I beg you.. wake up

How to wake up: Do not watch MSM, especially not CNN and MSNBC. Just look at who works there, their history of sexual perversions, drug abuse and Satanism.. they are not normal human beings, they frolic in your misery and pain they co-created.. they get off on it

Anonymous said...

Ok. then what should we watch, read?
telling us what to avoid but not what to seek is not very helpful
plz supply YOUR choices so we can evaluate

Anonymous said...

Fred (11:51) alert

Anonymous said...

Hey, I don't mean to dictate what you can or cannot read

I come across like weird proclaiming all these things, but I have a certain gift to be able to memorize thousands of news articles which allows me to see patterns where others cannot/ have forgot the connection existed

I know what it sounds like, I could write down the attack pattern that's occurring, but it'll look and sound crazy.

I hope I'm wrong and just crazy, but I fear I'm right, that's why I'm trying to wake people up

Instead of just consuming MSM I suggest you listen to other sources. I don't want to name any because I want you to make up your own mind and don't want to be called XYZ by whoever disagrees with the sources

Ultimately consume all news, and then follow the money

If you understand that CNN is no longer an American company but owned and directed by transnational corporations that long declared their future is China, you'll slowly start to get it

And if you look at their actions from division, to lies, to attacking the constitution, you'll get there

I'd also recommend to actually go to the world economic forum and read in their pen words what they want for the future

Then you'll wake up

And if you project their plans into the future and realise what they exactly do and take away from us all, you'll start fighting for freedom.. because there's no way this future can be allowed to happen

I know why they do it and have posted it here before, but unless you see them lie in real time and realise the lie, I can tell you XYZ it will not help. You have to critically listen and watch their actions and constantly check it against your moral compass and what you would want for anyone's future

Anonymous said...

MSM you claim is faulty, no good
yet many posts at this site are from MSM--ignore?
Where specifically can you suggest we get real news, ie Fox, Breitbart, NY Post? I know that there are left-wing blogs and right-wing blogs, but they simply work up stuff they get from MSM and put their spin on that. For me, that is not news but politics.
I believe then that I am clear in asking for specific places, names of news sources that are objective and informative.
thus far you have been rather evasive

Anonymous said...

how is this for mature response to simple request to name sources for news:

Anonymous said...

You fool no one!
what useful purpose is served by so dumb a response?
what does that response tell us about the person making that daycare comment?

Anonymous said...

Fred, this "you fool no one" are made by a different anon. The long texts are from me, the guy who endearingly called you little parrot 4 years ago already telling you back then already the Russia collusion was a hoax

And they did it and attacked trump not because of his character, but because he is a nationalist, someone who wants borders and is against the great reset

Please wake up
The same people who lied to you back then, knowingly lie to you now

Until you realise this and think for yourself, you're lost. You might think your thoughts and ideas are yours, but they'r CNN's who program you to think that way and believe what they tell you

Anonymous said...

If you give Fred a source, he will ridicule it. If you compare stories from a source Fred denigrates to one he does not, he won't respond.

Anonymous said...

Touchy touchy!

Anonymous said...

Say the word "Breitbart" and watch the Pavlovian response. Fred froths at the mouth.

Compare the story line up of Breitbart to other newspapers and Fred does not debate, he just bitches about something else. A few weeks later, he circles back to Breitbart being bad.

That sums up Fred's debating style and intellectual capacity.

Anonymous said...

Fred, just so you know it's a different anon and he always pops up when we two are talking. I don't know why he insults you,, well I can imagine lol, and I do share his views on many things lol BUT I think it's counter productive because I know at your heart you're a good guy...

And it's hard to imagine that CNN, the Democrats are globalists and what betrayal this implies to a nation state like the USA

But it is happening and it is important to talk about it

To the other poster, just call him little parrot, it's nicer I think.. no need for heavy insults, it's not Fred's fault that they lie and pit us against each other

Once we unite and get rid of these monsters that have caused so much fear, misery and plight among the people, we will live in more harmony and with more wealth than you can imagine

And free. We will be free.
But as always, there's an epic battle first

And in the 5th generational warfare this battle is an informational battle. They claim to be authoritative sources but they bet everything wrong and then move on and people who don't notice the lies will not only keep watching but they'll propagate their lies to maintain the reality you believe in

But it's an illusion
They laugh about us when the cameras are off
And they don't wear masks themselves in private. It's a show and they're highly paid actors that make you think they're in charge, but they'r just the front men of the globalists who want to subdue us all and end our way of life and they'll give all sorts of reasons..40 years ago it was global cooling, then global warming, now it's climate change, viruses, etc

There is even a leaked document where they wanted to use a fake alien landing to promote globalism(under the idea that aliens would demand a single global government before they engage with us) I think it was called project bluebeam.. they wanted to use state of the art holograms like you see during modern fireworks to trick you

They'll do anything to be the emperors in this great reset because they know that once they have AI and robots to defend their throne, they'll be untouchable and we're less than 20 years away from this reality when you'll be patrolled by robots

Anonymous said...

thanks. But I am not sure who "they" are and thus I can not do battle with them, physically or imaginatively or emotionally or intellectually.
can you provide names, places where this enemy is to be found, uncovered, sought out?
thanks in advance
Dragon Slayer

Anonymous said...

Remember, anything man can create, man can destroy.

Anonymous said...

Do, Dragon Slayer! I've heard it all now.

Anonymous said...

In the July audio, a copy of which was reviewed by Reuters, Tarrio said that “we are trying to f---ing avoid” a situation in which the senior members facing charges would cooperate with prosecutors. The four, who are jailed without bond, have pleaded not guilty.

Raising the possibility that one of the four leaders may have been cooperating with authorities, Tarrio told fellow Proud Boy leadership he didn’t believe that the man was doing so – and said he had spoken about the matter directly with that leader’s wife.

“The bigger problem with that is the guys that are in prison right now are holding on to hope that everybody is f---ing staying put because they didn’t do anything wrong,” Tarrio said. “The moment that they think one of the guys flipped, it throws everything off and it makes everybody turn on each other, and that’s what we are trying to f---ing avoid.”

Anonymous said...

Keep trying!

Anonymous said...

Abet Fred still looks for Proud Boys under his bed and in his closet. That Tarrio guy is a Black Hispanic that must be the beef that some people have with him.

Meanwhile ANTIFA is shooting people, blinding federal agents with lasers and setting fire to government buildings and Fred is checking under his bed for Proud Boys.

Won't the FBI look foolish when they go after Proud Boys with RICO and the Islamicysts launch a complex attack in the next 2 years. You know they will.

Last Jew left Afghanistan last week and Fred is checking under his bed for Proud Boys.

Not as 'Inclusive' as Biden's Handlers Would Like: Last Jew Leaves Afghanistan

Zabulon Simantov is fleeing to America. Will Fred explain to Zabulon, why he checks under the bed religiously?

Anonymous said...

last year there were two Jews only in Afghanistan. They were not talking to each other. Now the last one, vowing to stay, wisely has left. I blame CNN

Anonymous said...

"last year there were two Jews ...."

ha ha funny funny. Let's try to make a joke and try to avoid a debate

Anonymous said...

A sane person with a decent IQ does not debate after reading that Jan 6th was merely a protest and not an insurrection.

Anonymous said...

@457, you're neither -- that's the point why most people here disagree with you :)

Wake up!
They programmed you and withheld information from you so you think that way

Anonymous said...

Jan 6th was scary. Shaman Chaney almost became out president.