Friday, September 3, 2021

US Troops Gave The Taliban The Middle Finger In Messages Left At Kabul Airport

Task & Purpose: US troops gave the Taliban and ISIS the middle finger in messages left at Kabul airport 

It's called art, ever heard of it? 

Taliban fighters who made their way into the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan may have found a few goodbye messages from American troops. 

Photos shared on social media appear to show Marines with the 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, and 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment standing in front of spray painted messages to the Islamic State group (ISIS) and the Taliban. They were very direct: “Fuck ISIS. AFG 2021.”  

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WNU Editor: The Taliban do not care. They won the war.


Hans Persson said...

Leaving mean text messages to an enemy that can't read. Good job.

fazman said...

You beat me too it , they won nothing, Afghanistans lost it, there's a difference

Anonymous said...

They might as well have said that about the Americans they left behind.

Bobs a dopey commenter said...

It’s not the troops fault…it’s the leaders

Anonymous said...

AFG left no one behind. Biden did.

Hans Persson said...


Anonymous said...

The tyrannical, illegitimate Biden ghouls, for sure will court marshal these people, and/or leak their personal details to the press or directly to ISIS.
Don't believe me? They've done it before

Andrew Jackson said...

Biden was one of the congressman that voted to cut the supplies from the Vietnamese army which caused them to lose the war. Now as a phony president he has done the same thing in Afghanistan. I only have one thing to say if Jesus was running as a Democrat I would vote for the devil! 👺

B.Poster said...

Well put Fazman. Essentially I believe the Taliban are on a very tight leash and they know it. Of course for better or worse they will likeky be given large latitude on what they do at home. Should they stray to far they'll simply be removed from power again. They did not beat the US military on the battlefield nor could they at this point. The US government chose to withdraw. The Taliban are on a very tight leash. I could be proven wrong of course.

Anonymous said...

I think Biden doesn't want to be a bad person, he's just incompetent and has a bad temper, on top of his mental capacity issues.. 47 years a senator, vice president and president and everything he did made things worse. That's not something you want to admit, if you're Joe Biden. It's a horrible thought that you being here on earth made everyone's life worse. Even his family suffered.
So I feel for him. What a wasted life.

Anonymous said...

Losers go home.

Anonymous said...

Agreed 9:31. Wrong person for the job though well intentioned.

Anonymous said...

The American electorate thought Biden was the right guy for the job and turned away from Trump based on Trump's performance. And before commenting that Trump "really won" the election offer solid proof