Wednesday, September 29, 2021

White House Press Secretary Plays Down Split With The Pentagon Over Afghanistan Withdrawal


Politico: White House plays down split with military over Afghanistan withdrawal  

"I think it's important for the American people to know that these conversations don't happen in black and white," Jen Psaki told reporters. 

The White House on Tuesday sought to minimize the impact of congressional testimony from top military officials that contradicted President Joe Biden’s past assertions that he was not urged to keep thousands of troops in Afghanistan. 

“I think it's important for the American people to know that these conversations don't happen in black and white, like you're in the middle of a movie," press secretary Jen Psaki said during the daily press briefing. 

Gen. Frank McKenzie, who commands U.S. Central Command, told members of the Senate Armed Services committee earlier Tuesday that he recommended maintaining a force of roughly 2,500 troops in Afghanistan earlier this year. 

McKenzie also acknowledged discussing with Biden a similar recommendation to leave a few thousand troops on the ground from Gen. Scott Miller, the commander of U.S. Forces Afghanistan until July. 

Miller detailed that recommendation to Congress in closed testimony last week.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: It is quite a sight to see Psaki's verbal gymnastics in explaining what the President said and meant when he said that he was not urged to keep thousands of troops in Afghanistan by the military leadership. 

She did not succeed. 

And while partisan Democrats will still vocally support the President, after today's testimony where all the top Pentagon leadership were very clear that they had advised the President to keep a US military presence in Afghanistan even though he said they did not, President Biden's credibility has taken another major hit.


RussInSoCal said...

“I think it's important for the American people to know that these conversations don't happen in black and white, like you're in the middle of a movie," press secretary Jen Psaki said during the daily press briefing.

What a perfectly timed and juxtaposed photograph with that quotation. Just look at the communist shrew shine through with the, "How dare you contradict me!" look.

/And I feel like I'm living in the middle of a REALLY bad movie. It can't end soon enough.

Anonymous said...

"She graduated from the College of William & Mary with a degree in English and sociology. She is a member of the Chi Omega sorority"

Where did Gin Sake learn how to prevaricate?

Was it:

* English curriculum?
* Sociology curriculum?
* @ ΧΩ?
* home life?
* congenital?

Anonymous said...

no. from Trump, the biggest lying president the n nation has ever had. Don't believe me? you lie. google Trump's lying.

Anonymous said...

Trump lied, hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

But Biden abandons Americans

... and brings in jihadis

US BARS evacuation charter flight carrying American citizens and Afghan green card holders from landing as official claims DHS may need time to background check those on board

- 28 Americans
- 83 green card holders
- 6 Afghans with US Special Immigration Visas