Thursday, October 21, 2021

Amerca's NIH Admits To Funding Gain-Of-Function Research On Bat Coronaviruses At China's Wuhan Lab


 Daily Mail: NIH ADMITS to funding gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at China's Wuhan lab despite Dr. Fauci repeatedly insisting to Congress that it did not happen 

* In a new letter, NIH's principal deputy director Lawrence A. Tabak says lab rats were infected with the modified bat virus in the Wuhan lab in China 

* While never using the term, Tabak essentially confirms that gain of function research, took place despite consistent denials from Dr. Fauci 

* In May, Fauci testified that the NIH 'has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology' 

* The letter shifts the blame to U.S non profit EcoHealth Alliance for not being transparent about the kind of research they were doing 

* Senator Rand Paul, who was widely mocked for promoting the lab leak theory, tweeted the letter, writing: 'I told you so' doesn't even begin to cover it here' 

The National Institutes of Health has finally admitted to funding gain of function research on bat coronaviruses in it's Wuhan laboratory despite Dr. Fauci's denials to congress that no such research took place. 

The admission came in a letter addressed Kentucky congressman James Comer on Wednesday, in which NIH's principal deputy director Lawrence A. Tabak refers to a 'limited experiment' conducted to test if 'spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model,' at the Wuhan lab.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: With last months discovery of documents that the NIH was funding this research, it was only a matter of time before this admission was made .... NIH Documents Provide New Evidence U.S. Funded Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan (The Intercept). 

And while the blame is going to be shifted to the U.S.-based nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance for doing this research, you have to wonder if any oversight was conducted. 

As for Dr. Fauci .... he is in trouble with this NIH admission. It contradicts his previous testimony that the US did not fund this research in China (see above video). So he is either lying, or inept. You decide.


Anonymous said...

Bullshit you decide

This guy is guilty of breaking international bioweapons bans, and so are many others.. there's dozens of these gain of function labs operating today

But this just scratches the surface, wnu, you cannot be this uninformed on what's going on. Fauci is a side story

So, is wnu purposefully misleading and distracting us on what's going on @ covid and the great reset, or is he just inept? You decide.

Inform - yourself-
Talk to your neighbours. Not just of the same party or profession.
Then you'll see how single dimensional the covid info on this blog is.. almost purposefully unerinforming you. I'll leave it at that. F-

Anonymous said...

Why can't he be both lying and inept?

Anonymous said...

Haha true 905

Anonymous said...

That's Fred not Fauci!

Anonymous said...

Fauci is incompetent, a liar and accomplice to mass killings due to a lab leak of a pathogen.
Question has to be asked, is he a traitor too?

Anonymous said...


Dave Goldstein said...

Look at Fauci's background. He didn't believe aids was a real disease in spite of thousands of people dying of it. He should been fired a long time ago and this mess just confirms it. Gain of function? WTF is that? US is paying for it and China is doing it? Fire or jail all of them.
I would what Detrick is doing? They are usually on top of somehting like a bioweapon.

Anonymous said...

Well. How'sa about YOU telling us about what YOU have learned from YOUR neighbors about fow-see?

Eh, 8:57?

Anonymous said...

I don't have neighbours where I live, I meant it as advice to you.

And I'm ready, are you? You probably don't even know for real what I'm taking about and you probably are double jabbed Haha You're clearly a leftie, and I guessed all that without knowing you. Why? Because leftists are photogenic, predictable and you just won't make it :/

Ok I'm not that mean. Do have some talks lol and hurry Haha