Friday, October 29, 2021

China Admits That In Many Parts Of The Country Gas Stations Are Running Out Of Diesel

A gas station employee refuels a vehicle in Shijiazhuang, North China's Hebei Province  

Global Times: Gas stations, truck drivers bear brunt of diesel shortage, price hikes 

Gas stations in many parts of China are running out of diesel after supply constraints posed by the booming demand for coal transportation and factories using diesel to generate electricity. 

Several gas stations in North China's Hebei Province told the Global Times on Friday that pumps had been empty from days to even a week. 

Those who have just acquired supplies face a limited amount of diesel delivery to each customer, in addition to charging them a higher price. 

"Each customer can only buy a fixed amount, because there isn't enough at the moment," an employee from a gas station in Shijiazhuang, capital of Hebei, told the Global Times on Friday.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: China petrol price surge exacerbates energy crisis (Financial Times)  

Update #2: China's Energy Crisis Spreads As Gas Stations Run Out Of Diesel (Zero Hedge)  

WNU Editor: China's energy crisis is very real, and their response is predictable .... China’s plan to build more coal-fired plants deals blow to UK’s Cop26 ambitions (The Guardian). 

And as for this weekend's COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, do not expect much (if anything) from China .... The world's largest polluter China reveals a plan to cut emissions that falls 'well short' of UN targets – despite Beijing pumping out a quarter of carbon into atmosphere (Daily Mail).


Anonymous said...

My gut tells me something happens before 2024 election

Anonymous said...

Freaking Amazing! For the last 5 years have debated with a well credentialed moron you averred up and down China was reducing the number of coal plants or at the very least not building new ones.

The moron ahs no recollection on why the number of Chinese coal plants are important and if they do remember, there will be no acknowledgement they were wrong.

Arguing with the well credentialed idiot is like arguing with Al Gore. Al Gore makes predictions and misses them all. He is wrong on predictions by decades and getting worse.

Anonymous said...

For sure something happens
The "Democrats" and globalists cannot allow another election where a nationalist wins

And you know what's happening right now?

Global lockdowns because of a virus that's as deadly as the flu while there's no more flu... magic