Tuesday, October 5, 2021

China Placed Massive Orders For PCR Tests Months Before The First Official COVID Case Was Declared

Chinese President Xi Jinping inspects facilities in Wuhan in March 2020. Purchases of PCR tests from animal testing bureaus and universities in the region soared starting in May 2019. © Xinhua/Kyodo  

Brisbane Times: Spending on PCR tests in China soared months before first COVID-19 cases revealed: report 

Spending on tests used to detect coronavirus in China’s Hubei Province soared in the months before official reports of COVID-19 first emerged, suggesting the virus was spreading in the northern summer of 2019, well before it was publicly acknowledged by the Chinese government. 

The data, compiled by Australian cyber security outfit Internet 2.0, showed that the sale of polymerase chain reaction tests – used to detect the presence of specific viruses – jumped to 67.4 million yuan ($14.3 million) in 2019, from 36.7 million yuan in 2018, and 29.1 million in 2017.  

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WNU Editor: The timing and coincidence of these purchases is truly eye-opening. 

More News On China Making Massive Orders For PCR Tests Months Before The First Official COVID Case Was Declared  

China PCR test orders soared before first confirmed COVID case -- Nikkei Asia  

China Placed Massive Order For PCR Tests Months Before First Official COVID Case -- Zero Hedge  

Covid 'was spreading virulently in Wuhan' as early as summer 2019, report suggests -- The Telegraph  

China increased spending on pathogens testing months before acknowledging COVID-19, report says -- FOX News  

China Purchased Mass Quantity of PCR Tests Months Before First Reported Case of COVID -- Newsweek  

PCR equipment purchases spiked in Hubei months before first known Covid-19 cases -- Bloomberg 

Data indicates ‘dramatic increase’ of PCR procurement contracts in Wuhan in 2019 -- SKY News


Anonymous said...

game, set, (and) match: IT CAME FROM CHINA.

Some scientists have opined that corona has genetic material that could only have come from HIV and therefore the virus was created.

Another answer is re-assortment or horizontal gene transfer happening naturally. Some people opine that the small pox vaccine was contaminated with the SV-40 virus.

You could make a Drake Equation for how often reassortment happens.

# people * percent sick * number of infected cells per infected person = large #

The elite act they are spooked and at the same time they act like it is nothing. That they are spooked makes sense of they the virus escaped a PS4 lab or was purposefully released. It also makes sense that they want everyone vaccinated n the latter case. It is almost as if we are at war, but they are afraid to say it, because it would lead to a full spectrum confrontation. That makes sense. Hell of it is that we could be in a grey war and people in a democracy/republic cannot be told according to govt.

A government could reason so and might be correct. But with the loss of trust, social disruption, decreased GDP, supply chain disruptions and other things, the truth would serve better.

It may seem damned if do and damned, if you don't. But with one way you have the truth.

The jarring thing with the pandemic is that the elites treat it so frivolously. The have their get togethers and go unmasked while the servants do not. So it hard to treat the pandemic seriously.

It is doubly hard since so few children are dying. 498? How many of those had cancer or were otherwise immu-compromised?

498 children have been killed by COVID since the pandemic began, fewer than the number who die annually from car crashes and drownings, CDC figures reveal

Re-assortment has been happening in humans and other living creatures since the dawn of time. We've probably gone through every combination several times. This makes it hard to believe that there will be some killer virus wiping out humanity any time soon. If it were a killer plague should it not have the death toll of the Black Death, small pox or Justinian's plague?

We're told Americans (people world overall really) are obese and unhealthy. So it is a shocker when old or old and obese people with health issues die? Where I live they have consolidated and closed one old folks home. They have not closed and consolidated any grade or high schools.

We are being zoomed 6 ways to Sunday.

Anonymous said...


Jac said...

Yes:game, set, (and) match: IT CAME FROM CHINA.
Now we have to do something, because if not China will do that again.

jimbrown said...

In order to prepare for the Covid 19 strategic crowd control weapon test.

Anonymous said...

Just because the outbreak occurred in China doesn't guarantee it came from there

Guys, again

Our leaders and the Chinese leaders work together, please realise this