Sunday, October 24, 2021

China Warns Covid Outbreak Will Worsen In The Coming Days


Reuters: China warns of further spread in latest COVID-19 flare-up 

BEIJING (Reuters) -China's latest COVID-19 outbreak is increasingly likely to spread further, a health official said on Sunday, as authorities urged all regions to step up monitoring and called for a reduction in travel across provinces. 

China has largely contained the virus but it is determined to stamp out any sporadic local outbreaks, particularly in the run-up to the 2022 Winter Olympics in February. 

 More than 100 locally transmitted cases have been confirmed over the last week across 11 provincial areas, with most linked to 13 different tour groups. 

There is increasing risk that the outbreak might spread further, helped by "seasonal factors", Mi Feng, spokesman at the National Health Commission, told reporters on Sunday.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Oh oh. Expect more supply chain problems if China lock-downs expand.

 More News On China Warning Its Covid Outbreak Will Worsen In The Coming Days

China expects new Covid-19 cases to rise in coming days, affected areas to expand -- Bloomberg  

Beijing tightens entry restrictions amid latest COVID-19 outbreak -- CGTN 

China' s top authority suspends group trips under successive transmission links -- Global Times  

"Emergency Mode" - China Warns Covid Outbreak To Worsen In Coming Days -- Zero Hedge  

China reports highest number of Covid-19 cases in over a month -- SCMP  

Wuhan Marathon postponed after China Covid-19 surge -- France 24


Anonymous said...

In the UK according to the government official data (Health UK) 70% of hospitalizations is among the fully vaccinated; in the UK this means among those with two jabs or more.

I don't know what's going on but according to the data, it looks the vaccines cause a drop in your T cells, as if you had AIDS, rendering your immune system weaker. It's not like you really have AIDS but what happens is that you express fewer T cells in your body, making your immune system weaker to other illnesses too like common flu

Yet they say that we have 0 flu deaths

I don't know guys.. whatever is going on, this much of silencing of scientists has never existed and the vaccines seem to cause A LOT of health issues like myocarditis, cancer and of course my favourite, sudden death.

But they say "hey if you die after taking the vaccine it's ok because if you died of covid it'd certainly be worse"

How can it be worse than sudden immediate death after taking a vaccine that now has proven to have less than 40% efficacy and even that doesn't seem to be true anymore, that was 3 months ago.. now they openly say the vaccines kill you and that's OK

Are we in a death cult?
Asking for a friend

Anonymous said...

And why do governments, big tech, big pharma collude in denying treatment through ivermectin?

The largest province in India (300+ million, comparable in size to the USA) has now almost no covid deaths since introducing ivermectin.

Yet, THEY tell you it's horse dewormer only, hiding the fact from you that it's been used for all kinds of parasitic and viral diseases in both humans and animals.

And they tell you not to take it as it wouldn't be safe, ignoring that it's one of the so called wonder drugs in human use, and the people behind the drug got a Nobel prize in medicine(for humans, not horses)

They cause mass death and you want to fight each other's side.

Do not.

You're being pitted against another.
THEY do this to you.
THEY cause the shutdowns
THEY cause the mass firings of humans during an economic crisis for the audacity to not be injected with highly experimental drugs that seem to kill a lot of people and cause everything from chronic diseases like cancer to infertility issues

Look. Tyrants are psychopaths. They double down. It's ok to have voted for the wrong guy or lady in whichever country you are.

But you cannot be on the side that destroys society, the human spirit and uses lies and deception to accomplish this.

Resist this evil and we will live in a modern renaissance with riches for all, or let this evil persist and they'll create a dystopian future to stay in charge and control your every move and thought.

What a horrible end to humanity this would be.

Entirely your choice. Every day going forward.

Anonymous said...

#ArrestFauci trends on Twitter as doctor faces criticism for controversial virus research, testing on dogs, lying to Congress and more

Well.. this guy will be the fall guy it seems

Anonymous said...

But we have to accelerate investigative research by independent journalists and get to the bottom of this all

No relying on CIA after almost 2 years of slow walking and coverup. They knew. Most independent journalists like Greenwald, Curry and yes Alex Jones have presented documents and evidence more than a year ago.

The MSM slowwalked and lied about it all. Big tech censored even Nobel prize winners like Dr. Marlone.

From detection to treatment they caused as much destruction to the economy and death like a war.

The lawsuits will destroy them all. They are directly responsible. Lied to you about treatment options. Lied to you about the PCR test for detection. Lied to you about the vaccines, their efficacy and deadly side effects.

They not only lied but suppressed the truth and killed and injured so so many.

Anonymous said...

My favourite is the advice they give to "vaccine" recipients to not do cancer screenings or if they do to not believe that it is cancer but false positives

Like wtf Haha

who in his or her right mind takes a highly experimental drug that appears to cause cancer on cancer screenings and doesn't realise the drug companies are not only exempt from liability but those exact same companies from Pfizer to Johnson&Johnson's anti cancer business goes up and up Haha

Pfizer has created more billionaires than some countries have in total. And the product doesn't even work.

Like how stupid are people?
Is there no end?


Anonymous said...

Sweden, Norway and Finland now all suspend moderna "vaccine" due to side effects

Anonymous said...

Namibia suspends covid vaccine due to AIDS concerns!!!

And that's after months of slow-walking by the press and media. So many people have been killed and injured by these "vaccines"

Anonymous said...

Lithuania went all in on vaccines and now have 75% adults vaccinated and use covid passports to control everything they do

What happened? 100 fold increase of covid outbreaks than in July!! The vaccines ate the weapon!!!

Anonymous said...


Country after country the results are coming in

1. Vaccines not only work but make things worse
2. Vaccine passports only hurt the population and benefit large organisations that bribed our politicians in the first place to crush small to medium sized businesses

It's economic and biological warfare and our own people are doing it to us... for money and power

Anonymous said...

The virus is so deadly that they have to test you to see if you even have it lol

And the vaccines are so safe they have to force you to take it Haha

These people think they'll get away with it.. and they surely have made a lot of money killing us

But they'll have to have bodyguards for the rest of their lives and they know that if the bodyguards get vaccine side effects, they too won't protect them. Hell on earth for all of us, it seems.

They'll certainly get killed. No way around it. Stupid power hungry people

Anonymous said...

Best advice:
If you do not like or trust vaccines and masks, avoid. If you do like get them. Then let us see the results. But if you are not a specialist with a background in this matter, stop giving advice based on nothing.

Anonymous said...

Based on nothing? Moron above didn't read any of it. Ignores that country after country they stop vaccinating because they're not morons and realizes people due after the vaccines

Anonymous said...

I suspect 1121 works for Pfizer
No one can be that stupid, everyone knows the vaccines have massive side effects and give no protection at all... the last person to catch on lol