Friday, October 29, 2021

China Will Not Announce A New Emissions Pledge At The COP26 Climate Summit In Glasgow

Xi is under pressure from world leaders to do more on climate. Emmanuel Macron asked him to send the world a ‘decisive signal’. Photograph: Carlos GarcĂ­a Rawlins/Reuters 

Washington Examiner: China avoids new emissions pledge in blow to hopes for climate conference 

China, the world’s top emitter by far, is not offering any new commitments to reduce carbon pollution before a major United Nations climate conference starting Sunday.

China submitted a pledge, known as a Nationally Determined Contribution, to the U.N on Thursday, vowing to stop increasing its carbon emissions before 2030 and reach carbon neutrality by 2050. 

President Xi Jinping already announced those goals at the end of last year, but this formalizes the commitments under the Paris Climate Accords.

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Chinese President Xi will not physically attend the summit, but he will be on video link to repeat his country's long term (but vague) plans on reducing it carbon emissions .... Chinese leader Xi Jinping to attend Cop26 by video link – report (The Guardian).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, the nation emitting more greenhouse gas than all western nations combined isn't scared of global warming


Because I'm neither.

China has a massive coast line , so if the climate model was correct they should be scared

But the model is fake as fuck and being used by the Davos group, the great reset pushers, to enslave us using the carbon credit system

China also historically has been exposed to flooding and typhoons(their hurricanes, they're just called differently in the region).

So again, they should be screwed if the model is right and see many more intense typhoons.

They don't.
The model is skewered and when you ask for the data about HUMAN CONTRIBUTION the left always(!) shrieks like demonic creatures.



The shriek is indicator that you violate their preprogrammed narrative, which causes these NPCs pain and they get furious, try it!

Ask, specifically, for the data that shows the man-made contribution to climate change. And do not let them escape this answer.

They cannot answer this and will get angry because it shows their intellectual dishonesty and makes them realise they're just parrot, like Fred, who then will copy and paste 50 links, NONE(!) Will contain the answer, because the data doesn't exist and was just made up in the model