Friday, October 8, 2021

Is The Global Covid Death Toll Millions Higher Than What Is Being Reported?

The Guardian: Could the global Covid death toll be millions higher than thought? 

A data scientist and economics student joined forces in search of the real pandemic death toll – and the results are startling 

For the past 18 months, hunkered down in his Tel Aviv apartment, Ariel Karlinsky has scoured the web for data that could help him calculate the true death toll of Covid-19. 

The 31-year-old economics student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem had never worked on health matters before, but he was troubled by rumours early in the pandemic that Israel was not experiencing a rise above expected death rates, and therefore Covid was not serious. 

“This was, of course, not true,” he said. “Excess mortality was definitely there and it was definitely very visible.” 

He pulled up the numbers to prove it, which was easy enough to do in Israel with its sophisticated vital registration system.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I am sure every death has not been recorded. Especially in places like Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and most places in Asia.  

Update: These numbers are probably going to get worse when winter starts .... US records fewer than 100,000 average daily Covid cases for the first time since August as hospitalizations drop 33% in the last month and deaths decline 12% from two weeks ago (Daily Mail). 

I can say the same for regions like Latin America .... Latin America and Caribbean Islands have vaccinated just 37% of populations against Covid, WHO officials say (CNBC), and parts of Europe .... Coronavirus deaths in Russia hit new record (AP).


Anonymous said...

Be nice to the Mexicans. They operate outside the law.

Anonymous said...

We are told by readers at this site that the numbers are faked for the virus and that many or most die from other causes. Now we are being told that virus deaths are more than we know ab court. Which are we to believe.Or none. Nothing.

Anonymous said...

Should people shot dead or who died of blunt force trauma in a car accident, be counted as COVID victims, if they had a positive PCR test.

One coroner in Florida brazened it out and said yes. He actually went before the cameras and said COVID could have been a contributing factor in a motorcycle accident.

We are told that more than one virus can infect a person at a time and they may swap material and that is how we come up with new strains of virus. In light of that information, why did they ever say last winter/spring that the end of flu was nigh? We know why the newsmen did it. Many of them are stupid. conceited bastards with a chronic case of Dunning-Kruger syndrome. But how come the some politicians and scientists let that narrative go unchallenged or promoted it?

So the NIH was to test for COVID and influenza at the same time.

So I axe you a question? If a person does of pneumonia and they have corona and influenza viruses in their system, which virus gets top billing and why?

Anonymous said...

Senate report details Trump's chilling standoff with DOJ officials

Anonymous said...

So Fred Lapides plops down link to a story on Donald Trump in the middle of a COVID story.

What to make of such a person? Tone deaf? Worse?

So in terms of fair play. Here is this.

Joe Biden's Potemkin White House starts getting literal

Joe Biden has a hard time reading the teleprompter in the Oval Office, so they set up a fake one in another building with bigger script.

The wreck is going downhill fast. He didn't win the election.

About the DOJ. The same DIOJ that is considering making parents attending school board meeting terrorists is not a DOJ that would treat Trump fairly.

Anonymous said...

he did not win?
utter bullshit
prove he did not win!
facts not trumpisms

Anonymous said...

Can we talk about the vaccines?

Why do the "covid deaths" in most countries go up right after the vaccination?

Have you seen the graphs?

It's pretty much perfect alignments of deaths occurring in countries that had almost no covid, but then they mass vaccinate and they detect covid everywhere and people die

And the vaccines don't even work
So why do you all go along with this lie? Even wnu for now 2 years I'm telling you you're spreading misinformation

The vaccines kill perfectly healthy people in hours

Are you people in some sort of Stockholm syndrome? The vaccines don't protect and actually cause mass death.

Anonymous said...

86% of the deaths were in patients who were aged 65 and older
Health officials also recorded 14,643 breakthrough hospitalizations since the beginning of the pandemic
The report did not specify how many patients had underlying conditions

More than 4,000 people in the United States have died of COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated against the virus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in the latest data.

As of Sept. 20, at least 4,493 fully vaccinated Americans died of COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, the CDC stated in the data.

Of the 4,493 deaths, 86% were people aged 65 and older, 44% were females and 19% were patients who did not show any symptoms of COVID-19 or whose deaths were not coronavirus-related.

According to the data, over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, 14,643 fully vaccinated individuals have been hospitalized in the country. At least 69% of them were people aged 65 and older, 48% were females, and 20% were patients who had asymptomatic cases of the novel coronavirus or whose admission was not COVID-related.

The data did not specify how many of the deaths and hospitalizations occurred in people with underlying medical conditions.

The CDC’s data comes as the United States’ new COVID-19 vaccinations continue to lag. The country’s seven-day average of people getting their first shot of a COVID-19 vaccine is 231,695. The figure is 31% less than the numbers reported over the past week, and 47% less than those recorded in August. NOW COMPARE TO THOSE UNVACCINATED!

Anonymous said...

Nice and also please do post the stats on the tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) killed through the vaccine

And the millions hurt and disabled through the vaccine

And the tens of millions who lose their jobs, because of the vaccine mandates

And please post about natural immunity, which we know is far superior to the vaccines, with no side effects

You liar
You swine

Those who push the vaccines, knowing what they do, WILL HANG when this is over.

Mark my words

And Pfizer will cease to exist due to the coming lawsuits

And the Nuremberg trials will happen.

You cunt.
You demonic monster.

Bicho said...

-you're not counting the ones asymptomatics with natural immunity
-the Manaus variant was the one the one that broke havoc in South America
-Due to the inability to access vaccines, early treatment was insisted. Ivermectin is prescribed at the first symptoms
-more than 60% are younger than 30, the old and those with comorbidities were already weed out
-the first vaccines were Chinese and Astra-Zeneca. Pzifer came last