Thursday, October 21, 2021

Is There A Russia-China Axis?

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin © Mikhail Klimentyev/Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/TASS 

Mark Galeotti, Spectator: There is no Russia-China axis 

You should be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it, so the old cliché goes. In diplomacy at the moment, it seems you should be careful of the threats you prepare for, because you may end up producing them. 

There is a growing trend in the West towards treating Russia and China as some single, threatening ‘Dragonbear’ (a reference to the two countries' national animals). 

This underrates the very real tensions between Moscow and Beijing, but risks pushing them even closer together. The most recent case in point was Nato secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg’s interview in the Financial Times, in which he criticised ‘this whole idea that we either look Russia, or to China… because it goes together.’ 

The implication is that there is a Sino-Russian axis representing a single, coherent challenge to the West. This is a perhaps understandable position — but also a distinctly problematic one.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: One of the better analysis on Russia - China relations that I have read in the past few months. 

I can only speak from the Russian side. 

Russians have always had a deep suspicion of China. There are mutual objectives and understandings, but a deep trust between the two countries is not there. The culture and history is not there.

What also does not help are Chinese pundits always talking about how Siberia belongs to them. That type of talk .... talk that I have been hearing for decades .... wins no friends in Russia.


fred said...

the enemy of my enemy is my friend. simple as that.
who has the biggest military arsenal? US. Thus makes sense to unite against the US.

Crusader said...

A few years ago you mentioned this exact point in one of your posts - I've always remembered it and have repeatedly brought it up when conversations with friends/neighbours turn to Russia/China being in cahoots.
You mentioned that the re-taking of Siberia is written in the Chinese State goals (or something like that, I can't remember where you said it was written down).
Do you think the Chinese are simply waiting their time?

Jon said...

Let us not forget the poo bear and sly smirks drinking together until wee hours of the morning in China. As they quoted like being back in college. World has not been the same since. Shut up our woke media and restore order for fucks sake, being controlled by a bunch of pussies is embarrassing send it already. We have been attacked over and over, some of it we deserve. What’s our response? Lockdown the people and outcast anyone not interested the elitists jab. Can’t blame wnu he just doing what some will always do since the beginning- get fat off panic porn.