Friday, October 29, 2021

Nominee For Pentagon's Chief Information Officer Says US Military Ready For Any Major Chinese Cyber Attack

John Sherman, Principal Deputy Chief Information Officer. (DoD photo by Marvin Lynchard)  

Breaking Defense: US Military ‘Well Postured’ For Any Chinese Cyber Onslaught, CIO Nominee Says 

Elsewhere in the hearing John Sherman called attention to a growing concern at the Pentagon over the radio spectrum, saying "spectrum sharing" should be a DoD watchword. 

WASHINGTON: The Department of Defense is “well postured” to fend off any potential Chinese cyberattack deluge in the event of conflict over Taiwan, the Pentagon’s presumptive chief information officer told a Congressional hearing today. 

 “I believe DoD is well postured, based on what I know right now. That is, with any defensive mechanisms we can always improve,” DoD CIO nominee John Sherman told lawmakers. 

Sherman, who currently serves as Acting DoD CIO and was previously CIO for the intelligence community, said it would also be a “top priority” of his, should he be confirmed, to work with US Cyber Command to “keep the Chinese back on their heels.”  

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WNU Editor: I hope John Serman's confidence that the US military's networks being secured are justified. China's capabilities have proven to be very capable .... U.S., NATO and EU to blame China for cyberattack on Microsoft Exchange servers (CNBC).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sure, China may have unstoppable hypersonic missiles but the US has personal pronouns, CRT, and equity based promotions. So, who's the winner now?