Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Pentagon Estimates 450 Americans And Thousands Of SIV Applicants Still Remain In Afghanistan


Daily Mail: Pentagon admits nearly 450 Americans are STILL in Afghanistan almost two months after the chaotic withdrawal 

* Pentagon admitted Tuesday that as many as 450 Americans are still in Afghanistan 

* Last week the State Department said it was in contact with 363 Americans in Afghanistan 

* Pentagon figure says ISIS-K could have capability to attack US in 6 months 

* Under Secretary of Defense Colin Kahl gave his warning to senators on Tuesday 

* It came during a hearing on the US withdrawal from Afghanistan 

* Kahl also said Al Qaeda could have have the capability after a year 

The Pentagon admitted Tuesday that as many as 450 Americans are still in Afghanistan, more than the Biden administration has previously let on. 

Following the US' frenzied withdrawal from Kabul, the State Department said in late September that there were less than 100 Americans still in Afghanistan who were looking to flee. 

But last week the State Department said it was in contact with 363 Americans in Afghanistan, and has already withdrawn 234 since the US military's exit. 

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More News On The Pentagon Estimating That There Are 450 Americans And Thousands Of SIV Applicants Still Remaining In Afghanistan  

Pentagon confirms nearly 450 Americans trapped in Afghanistan -- FOX News 

Estimated 450 Americans and thousands of SIV applicants remain in Afghanistan: Defense official -- Washington Examiner  

‘They Lied From the Beginning’: Hundreds More Americans Stuck in Afghanistan Than Initially Claimed -- Sputnik  

Pentagon says there are 450 Americans still in Afghanistan, highest estimate so far -- Blaze Media


Anonymous said...

Joe Biden lied.

People died.

Jac said...

Of course, as usual. But it is American lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump will get them out the same way he said he would end American involvement when he made a deal with the Taliban.