Friday, October 8, 2021

President Biden Insists That The Worst Jobs Report Of His Presidency Is 'Progress'


Daily Mail: 'That's progress': Biden insists the worst jobs report of his presidency is a 'significant improvement' and a sign America is 'moving forward' before walking away without taking questions 

* Biden tried to put a positive spin on the worst jobs report of his presidency 

* He urged Americans to look at the bigger picture and pushing his infrastructure bills and his trillion-dollar social program 

* 'If you take a step back, look at what's happening, we're actually making real progress. Maybe doesn't seem fast enough - I'd like to see it faster,' he said 

* 'We're making consistent steady progress,' he said 

* Employers added far fewer jobs than expected for the second month in a row

* Economists surveyed by Refinitiv were expecting 500,000 new jobs to be added

* Shows the delta COVID variant still has a grip on the economy 

* Supply chain bottlenecks have also worsened and store shelves are emptying 

* 'Clearly, [Biden's] big government, trillion dollar, socialist plans aren't working. They're just bankrupting Americans,' one Republican wrote on Twitter 

* 'The jobs numbers are pretty good actually...' Biden's chief of staff wrote on Twitter 

President Joe Biden on Friday tried to put a positive spin on the worst jobs report of his presidency, urging Americans to look at the bigger picture and pushing his infrastructure bill and his trillion-dollar package of social programs. 

'If you take a look at the trend itself, on average 600,000 new jobs created every month since I took office,' Biden said.

'In total, job creation in the first eight months of my administration is nearly 5 million jobs.' 'Now that's progress,' he added.  

Read more .... 

Update: Biden's economic recovery falters as dismal jobs report says that just 194K were added in September against a projected 500KBiden's economic recovery falters as dismal jobs report says that just 194K were added in September against a projected 500K (Daily Mail).  

WNU Editor: His Chief of Staff is saying the same thing (see below):

As to what is my take. 

Not what I expect from an economy like the U.S.. One has to just look at Canada, a country that is a tenth of the population of the U.S., enjoy a 157,000 job increase in September .... 157,000 new jobs in September get Canada's economy back above pre-pandemic level (CBC).


Anonymous said...

When you're an installed dictator opinions dont matter .

Anonymous said...

Why would people work if they've lost all faith in government?

The government is at war with its people because it knows it is illegitimate

It is the natural reaction of illegitimate tyrants to clamp down on dissidents because tyrants are threatened by dissent

They stole the election
The AZ audit is yet another proof

The penalty is death
You know it
I know it

For everything they put you and the world through

Death alright
But we will do it legally

By the books, as Obama said it

And no one will be above the law in the coming tide

They know they'll be swept away
And good riddance

The world will rejoice once these warmongering drug pushing treasonous corrupt swines are gone

And we will teach our children to be proud of our heritage and remember how the traitors tried to enslave us all

We will point to their shallow graves once a year

Believe me. It'll happen.
There's too many of us now, too few of them.

And it'll lead to a rebirth of nations and a refocus on our values.

And it's about time too.

Anonymous said...

The traitors and corrupt swines from Davos to Washington to Beijing to London and Paris

They'll all be purged

It is either them or us and this time we will not be tricked into another war

They are the enemy. Not our fellow brothers and sisters around the world.

They are.

Anonymous said...

How Justice Department Officials Blocked A Trump Coup - EA WorldView

Anonymous said...

But yesterday you ran a post in which job issue explained!

Anonymous said...

Part of the problem is a global economy that is out of sync on the pandemic, restrictions and recovery. Factories and retailers in Western economies that have largely emerged from lockdowns are eager for finished products, raw materials and components from longtime suppliers in Asia and elsewhere. But many countries in Asia are still in the throes of lockdowns and other coronavirus-related restrictions, constricting their ability to meet demand.

Meanwhile, global labor shortages, often the result of people leaving the workforce during the pandemic, are throwing further obstacles in the way of producers.

The bottlenecks are forecast to constrain manufacturing output well into next year, hurting a sector that had until recently powered the global recovery. Global industrial output rose above its precrisis level in early 2021 but has since stagnated, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a German think tank. It recently lowered its forecast for world economic growth this year to 5.9% from 6.7%, in part due to supply-chain issues.