Friday, October 29, 2021

President Biden Uses A Massive 85-Car Motorcade To Wind Through The Streets Of Rome


Daily Mail: Biden uses massive 85-car motorcade to wind through streets of Rome to get to his meeting with Pope - which notoriously late president arrived to on time 

* Joe and Jill Biden used a massive 85-car motorcade to wind through the streets of Rome on Friday for their meeting with Pope Francis 

* It was needed as Italy's lockdown rules allow only three non-cohabiting people including the driver to be together in a vehicle 

* Biden, who is notoriously late, was on time for his meeting with the pope 

* The meeting comes after the Vatican abruptly canceled a planned live broadcast of the get-together 

* The first lady wore a traditional mantilla veil and a dark suit for the encounter 

* Biden, the country's second Catholic president, meets with the pope amid pressure over his pro-choice abortion stance 

Joe and Jill Biden used a massive 85-car motorcade to wind through the streets of Rome on Friday for their meeting with Pope Francis. 

And the notoriously late president was on time for his sit down with the pontiff. 

Biden met with the pope for 75 minutes when he was scheduled to be with him for only an hour. 

In 2017, Francis met then-President Donald Trump for 30 minutes and, in 2014, Francis met with then-President Barack Obama for 52 minutes. 

The president then joined senior Vatican officials for an expanded bilateral meeting. 

But with his time at the Vatican running long, Biden looks to be late for his afternoon meeting with Italian President Sergio Mattarella. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The White House is already getting ready for his next trip to Glasgow .... Biden's crew touch down for Cop26: C17 military jet carrying US president's Marine One helicopter and entourage lands in Glasgow ahead of his arrival for climate change conference (Daily Mail).


Anonymous said...

A quick analysis of the 1.7 trillion(!) infrastructure bill the demonic creatures on the left push:

the word

"bridge" appeads ONCE(!) in an infrastructure bill, despite that your bridges fall apart

the word

"equity" appears 32(!) times (equity is cover speak for, well, communism)

and, the word

"climate change" appears 100+ times

Look, they are traitors who use the climate change lie to instill the carbon credit system

They use the "pandemic" to install the vaccine passport

Combined, they want to enslave you in an apartheid like system (vaccinated vs unvaccinated) to control you, divide you and then rule you using the carbon credit system.

Please, for your own freedom, wake up.

Anonymous said...

My advice is to arrest them --immediately-- and then take seriously what the right has been saying for years now

The Biden familty has illegal ties to China, has received millions(!) from companies directly linked to the CCP; and the Biden's and left act like a hostile force in your country

So far, the left has

-- causes unnecessary racial tensions based on lies that half the country is racist
-- destroys your proud history and accomplishments and replaces your statues with drug dealers
-- weakened your border
-- destroyed your energy indepenedence
-- destroys the dollar through lockdowns
-- destroys the supply chains through illegal vaccine mandates, causing walkouts
-- installs an apartheid like system to keep you divided
-- is on the way to install a carbon credit system (what the 100 biggest corporations want to completely enslave you in the upcoming corporate-gov great reset

You cannot be that blind and sleep walk into the knife they hold out for you

Anonymous said...

And if you question the election (which the left has done for years), you are now a terrorist
And speech becomes violence, while real violence like burning down your cities and killing dozens(!) in the process, including burning them alive, is now a just cause
Rittenhouse is a murderer, and the arsonists and murderers are victims

They purposefully confuse you so you cannot understand what's going on

What's going on is that they try to enslave you using the climate, covid and carbon lockdowns

Anonymous said...

And the pope, who also pushes the great reset, wants you to only listen to CNN, not do your own research and take the vaccines already

Back during WW2, the pope also supported Hitler.

They are -not- on your side.
They are perhaps not even human.

No human would want to enslave their peers
No human would want their peers to take unsafe drugs
No human would tell you to shut up and just follow illegal and inhumane orders

Perhaps they are humans, ok .. they are

But they are demonic creatures trying to enslave you, can you not see this?

And what does the Pope share with Biden?
And taking your wealth under the cover of compassion

Anonymous said...

Where did most Nazis hide after WW2?

In Argentina

Where is the Pope from?


And there's now a growing rebellion inside the catholic church against this satanism

Get this: high ranking members of the catholic church now openly suggest the Pope is the antichrist and denounce him

Anonymous said...

Christ dude give it a rest. Interact with some real people and chill out a bit.

Anonymous said...

543 you are blind

Anonymous said...

Blinded one, watch this to save yourself

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis
Place of birth
Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Anonymous said...

I've watched some of it is going on!!!!!!!!???????

Why are they sabotaging our energy and supply lines ahead of the winter!!!!!??????????????

Anonymous said...

As he said they're doing this systematically

The young are indoctrinated to become violent towards climate change skeptics

The left is being indoctrinated to hate Christians and reject the constitution, the key document safeguarding human rights, freedom of speech, due process, bodily autonomy, and your right to bear arms

And they're using legal warfare and media manipulation to get rid of it all

There biggest finance of the legal warfare is George Soros, who works with the Davos group and according to his own bio was a proud Nazi collaborator

The left is so stupid. They accept the money of someone who wants to ultimately kill them

And they only get to spend it if they do as he says

Anonymous said...

It's happening!!!

In Queensland Australia they are now SEIZING the homes and bank accounts of those who do not wish to be subjected to the medical experimentation


Complete media blackout

AZ/NZ act as test beds to see how much and how best they can take from the middle class, and they are planning to roll this out in Canada and UK next.

This new system seems to collapse AZ, NZ, UK, USA, France, Germany and Canada into communist hellholes


You cannot escape this, even if you take 5 shots... 10 shots.. the shots will destroy your immune system and if you reject taking the shots, they will take your money and blame YOU on everything

So.. you have three choices
1) Keep taking these so called "vaccines" and ignore all the people dropping dead and censorship around it
2) Don't take the shots and lose your house and bank account

Up to you, mate, entirely up to you.

At the 35min mark

Anonymous said...

Popular Indian actor,Puneeth Rajkumar, suddenly dies of heart attack -- had taken and promoted covid vaccine

They couldn't bury it because we all know him and he pushed the vaccines hard

He was in his 30s and fit
No way this was a natural cause

Anonymous said...

You'll own nothing and like it

Or else

They're psychopaths

Just listen to them

Of course they kill you

Look at the increase of heart infarcts post vaccination

And they own the MSM and fact checkers and Pfizer sponsors now almost every news broadcast and opinion segment from cnn to fox

Anonymous said...

4 of the top 10 songs on itunes now "fuck Joe Biden"

This ghoul never got into the office legally

PEB Manufacturers said...
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