Thursday, October 21, 2021

President Biden's Pick For Ambassador To China Takes A Hard Line On Beijing


Daily Mail: Biden's nominee to be U.S. ambassador to China sets himself on collision course with Beijing by demanding an end to its 'genocide in Xinjiang,' abuses in Tibet and bullying of Taiwan 

* Nicholas Burns appeared before senators on Wednesday morning 

* He promised to speak out on China's abuses if confirmed as Beijing ambassador 

* 'If there are atrocities occurring... we have to speak out,' he said 

* Burns, 65, is a career diplomat and is expected to face little opposition 

* He also demanded China stop its genocide in Xinjiang and bullying of Taiwan 

President Biden's nominee to be U.S. ambassador set himself on a collision course with Beijing on Wednesday, promising to be a vocal critic of China's human rights abuses and aggressive foreign policy if he is confirmed to the post. 

Nicholas Burns took a tough line during his Senate confirmation hearing, saying that the U.S. should expand arms sales to Taiwan and demanding that Beijing ended its genocide of minority Uyghurs in Xinjiang.

'If there are atrocities occurring or, in the case of Xinjiang, a genocide is occurring, we have to speak out,' he said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Nicholas Burns is a career diplomat. He will be taking what will be the hardest post for a US ambassador. China has already responded .... With such arrogance, Burns will suffer setbacks in China (Global Times editorial). 

More News On The Next US Ambassador To China  

U.S. China ambassador nominee Burns takes tough line on dealings with Beijing -- Reuters  

Biden’s pick for China ambassador says ‘we cannot trust the Chinese’ on Taiwan -- The Guardian  

‘We all remember Hong Kong’: Biden pick for China ambassador says Beijing can’t be trusted on Taiwan -- The Independent  

Joe Biden's Pick for Ambassador to China Takes Hard Line on Beijing -- Newsweek  

China ‘Not An Olympian Power’: Presumptive China Ambassador ‘Confident’ In US -- Breaking Defense


Jac said...

Well, it's fair game. China named a "warrior diplomat" in Washington, so America has the same right. We are giving China the same medicine they give us.

Anonymous said...

It's just show
Democrats and Chinese work hand in hand, and have so for decades
Both sides got rich robbing you blind
Democrats are only talking a game, they'll do nothing. Have never and will never

Anonymous said...

hand in hand: we were allies and defeated Japan
comment above is just another badmouthing post with no evidence to support a silly claim. Where do you think Trump's Maga hats were made?

Anonymous said...

But at its most basic level, presidential politics is about character. Successful presidents must show control, authenticity and empathy for the struggles of the people that they lead. Biden came across as humble, decent and humane -- in his element with the audience. His self-deprecation was in stark contrast to the constantly boastful persona and raging victim-complex of his predecessor and was one of the keys to why he beat Trump last year.

Anonymous said...


Your second sentence indicates you have found an old old container of whitewash. That stuff is so 19th century I can't believe the bottom of the container hadn't rusted out.
As a fellow relic hunter, congratulations.