Friday, October 22, 2021

Should The U.S. Invade Haiti?

Zero Hedge: WaPo Editorial Board Calls For US Military Invasion Of Haiti 

Apparently ignoring every "lesson" of the last two decades of utterly failed and disastrous US foreign interventions and adventurism abroad, which has left especially the Middle East burning and in a state of perpetual destabilization, The Washington Post editorial board is calling for yet more experiments in nation-building, this time much closer to home in a seeming throwback to era of the Monroe Doctrine. 

"Haiti’s spiraling mayhem, florid lawlessness and humanitarian meltdown were predictable following the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in July," the op-ed published earlier in the week began. "In a country already crippled by governmental dysfunction, the vacuum of political legitimacy and authority after that murder left a breeding ground for anarchy." Naturally the premier hawkish beltway publication owned by Jeff Bezos and tied at the hip with the D.C. national security state sees only a singular "solution".  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The answer is no, no, no and no.


RussInSoCal said...

We don't have to invade Haiti. Haiti is invading us.

Anonymous said...

What russ said

Anonymous said...

one editorial suggests or implies that something might or should be done to rescue a dozen missionaries who are kidnapped and this needs posting? Heck, that paper is consistently badmouthed at this site and suddenly it is important?
note: invasions and wars not initiated by a paper editorial. We have what is called the War Dept (used to be called Defense Dept), and the Pentagon, and the Joint Chiefs and the Congress and even a president who decides such things.

Anonymous said...

One poster consistently proposes hanging of globalist politicians as the solution to the USA problems. To that, I would like to add the ones in the media who use their platform to advocate actions destructive to the USA. No body would cry were the WaPo editorial staff suddenly develop longer necks which hindered their breathing.

Anonymous said...

3:48 = Fred

Anonymous said...

If 20% or 50% of your citizens have legally or illegally immigrated to the US, the US should take that country over and incorporate is as a state(s).