Friday, October 1, 2021

These Countries Have Admitted That They Have An Internet Kill Switch

Organic Prepper: These Countries Have an INTERNET KILL SWITCH (and They Admit It)  

What do you suppose would happen if the President of the United States deemed it necessary, for “national security,” to flip the Internet Kill Switch? In these digital times, there should be great concern over something like this. However, normalcy bias seems to have a firm hold on a majority of the citizens of the US, and many are clinging to the “it can’t happen here” theory. 

The United States has yet to employ this particular tool. However, according to data gathered to examine the financial impact of internet shutdowns, since 2019, there have been 237 major internet shutdowns in 45 countries.  

What is an internet kill switch? 

An internet kill switch is a device/software/configuration that allows one to shut down all internet access within a region or country indefinitely. If activated, the kill switch would prevent everyone from checking social media, shopping online, using online messenger services, sending emails, or anything else involving an internet connection. 

In many cases, this may also include any form of phone contact (it varies).  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I take it for granted that every country can shut down their communications, internet included, if push came to shove that such a drastic action must be taken. The question that remains unanswered is .... how long will it take to shut it down.


Anonymous said...

only the devil know u fool's

Anonymous said...

go 2 hell international internet now

fazman said...

Lol, imagine being back in the 80s ..awesome

Anonymous said...


"EDI has existed at least since the early 70s, and there are many EDI standards (including X12, EDIFACT, ODETTE, etc.), some of which address the needs of specific industries or regions."

Try 1960s or before the first transatlantic cable

No internet = no EDI = no supply chain = bare shelves = confused politicians

Anonymous said...

شركات تنظيف الخزانات said...

افضل خدمات مكافحة الحشرات ورش المبيدات بالمنطقة الشرقية تعتمد على افضل شركات مكافحة الحشرات في الشرقية التي تقدم خدمات مكافحة الحشرات ورش المبيدات في الدمام والخبر باحترافية غير مسبوقة مثال على ذلك افضل شركه مكافحه حشرات بالدمام التي تعتمد على عمالة مدربة على كيفية استخدام المبيدات الحشرية وكذلك الحال في احدث - شركه مكافحه حشرات بالخبر وهي ايضا تعتمد على مبيدات حشرية عالية الجودة والكفاءة لكي تقضي على حشرات المنزل بكل احترافية وتؤدي عملها على اكمل وجه وهذا ايضا تجده في افضل شركه مكافحه الصراصير بالقطيف التي تعتمد في تنفيذ اعمال مكافحة الحشرات ورش المبيدات على افضل انواع المبيدات الأصلية سواء المحلية او المستوردة بضمانات طويلة المدى وفي الجبيل تجد اننا نقدم للعملاء افضل شركه مكافحه الصراصير بالجبيل تقدم خدماتها بجودة عالية وتعطي للعملاء في الجبيل ضمانات طويلة المدى لضمان عدم عودة الحشرات للمكان مرة أخرى في فترة الضمان وهذا في شركه مكافحه حشرات بالاحساء تعتمد في المقام الاول على المبيدات الآمنة والمضمونة وفي المقام الثاني على عمالة وفنيين مدربين على كيفية استخدام اجهزة رش المبيدات في المنازل كما في اقوى شركه مكافحه صراصير بالظهران التي تقدم الخدمات للقضاء على الصراصير والبق والنمل والعثه بالضمان وأمان العمل في رش المبيد في المنازل على مسئوليتنا

B.Poster said...

The countries mentioned in the article don't rely on the internet for basic functions to the extent the US does. As such, "killing" the internet may be a viable option for them when they believe they need to stifle certain messaging or stop certain groups from communicating.

Given the dependence the US has on the internet for basic functions, "killing" it with a "switch" isn't even a viable option. As such, no "kill switch" exists nor is it really needed. The government and the leadership class can deploy a "kill switch" against any one or any messages they don't approve of. Examples include but probably aren't limited to: 1.) Donald Trump is banned from social media and most internet platforms having been banished to the internet backwater with his only contact with supporters being increasingly desperate pleas for money from supporters via poorly worded texts and emails and "rallies" that have almost no macro impact, 2.) Anyone who questions the COVID-19 narratives or dares to ask prudent questions about the vaccines gets censored and banned by social media, and 3.) Anyone who dares to point out the systemic electoral irregularities in the presidential election gets censored and banned. There are probably other examples. Essentially an internet "kill switch" has been deployed against these groups. Furthermore the leadership class can deploy such an knternet "kill switch" against anyone they choose to do so against.