Friday, October 29, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


Anonymous said...

Leading catholic exorcist sees signs of demonic oppression and possession in unhinged American left

So, Fred is demonically possessed.. that explains A LOT of his behaviour :D

Come on, Fred. Let's do that exorcism and get it over with. You can join our side when the evil spirit has left you, ok? :)

Anonymous said...

this is fred. I do not waste my time watching videos from someone who then blames me for copy/pasting materials. I do not care about exorcism and other such bullshit. I do not care about you nor your stupid friends and moronic family so go forth and go fuck yourself

Anonymous said...

The rate of children growing up in single parent homes is an indicator of bad culture and mal-governance.

When you consider the strength of affinity for people to pair bond, you can come to no other conclusion.

In Africa there is a different mechanic at work.

This is a Western disease.

Anonymous said...

Copy and paste Fred is the type of person, who has to have an open book test to have any chance of passing it.

I remember college professor, real PhDs, who explained, if you have to look up every answer, you would time out and fail the test.

It really know a subject you have to have a good part of it memorized. Analysis has shown it takes 40,000 hours to make a master in medieval and modern times. It appears to be a human constant. It means you will time out and you are shit out of luck.

Consider an topic of global warming. You literally can not put pen to paper. Instead you put a mouse pointer to a screen and copy and paste. So there is literally no way to debate reason or hold a conversation with you. You are Rain Man without any special abilities. As soon as someone throws facts or figures your way it is Lapides and his auto-dump of links and pastes.

Countries like Germany are always beating the US up on global warming. With Nord stream 2 Germany is using carbon as far out as a person can see. They will never meet their targets. It is actuarially impossible. It shows all these global warming conferences and targets to be a farce. You cannot prove it to Lapides, because he cannot or will not do so much as look at simple math or logic for that matter.

Anyway, you will time out without having learned anything.

Fun Fact: "Earth Girls are Easy" and so are Democrat voters.

Anonymous said...

Sirrah --

How is Germany going to meet a 1990 level of CO2, if they add population and continue to use Russian gas via Nordstream 2 and other pipelines?

You do know that Gas is a fossil fuel, right?

I must ask because despite your vaunted PhD, your scribbling leave me with the distinct impression that you do not get it.

For example how is Germany going to cut fossil fuel use to 1990 levels, when they have grown their population 5% since 1990? They still use fossil fuels and got rid of nukes. Germans are not going to sit at home, not drive and shiver, especially Muslim Germans. They simply will not listen to your or Merkel's pablum.

You cannot show or prove anything. You cannot crunch the simplest of numbers. As such you presence here is one long primal scream of a person with zero skills.

Anonymous said...

I linked to the for the movie "Earth Girls are Easy" to draw an analogy between the title and Democrat voters. Independents, Republicans and some Democrats will find it funny as all get out. Hardly a copy and paste. I wrote the movie title form memory and linked the movie title to those who might not have seen the movie or know about it.

I see my analogy skewered you though and through, because it hits too close to home.

Was I putting you down? No, I aimed my comments at religious Democrats, who regard national level Democrat politicians as saints to be venerated. You are a sad, sad man.

Anonymous said...

You are a miserable human being. Perhaps it is not fully your fault but your DNA and upbringing. But with needed therapy, you might be able to overcome a lot of the crap poured into you at home in your formative years.

Anonymous said...

Says the person, who was functionally illiterate until sometime in high school.

How did you pass tests until then? Cheat? Bring an apple? Other?

A per who was functional illiterate through most of K through 12 was prepared for college? No college exam. Was college a sheep dipping exercise?

I looked up ignoramus and I found 6:40's picture along with a description that will, curdle your milk.