Thursday, October 21, 2021

U.S. Military Is Preparing For A ‘Space Superhighway’

The Air Force Research Laboratory is now exploring cislunar space, which is expected to get more congested as more firms and countries invest in space travel to the moon. Their Cislunar Highway Patrol (CHPS) will experiment with space domain awareness beyond Geosynchronous Earth Orbit. AFRL courtesy image 

Defense One: The Military is Preparing for a ‘Space Superhighway,’ Complete with Pit Stops  

Those hubs would do more than refuel spaceships; they are seen as key to staying ahead of China.  

Like any family road trip, future missions to the moon and beyond may require a few pit stops. 

U.S. Transportation Command and the U.S. Space Force see a future space superhighway system where the United States, commercial partners, and allies would be able to make repeat, regular trips to the moon or beyond by using multiple hubs where they could gas up, have maintenance done, and even throw out their trash. 

Now they’re thinking about getting those orbiting pit stops up and running sooner rather than later. Because it’s not just about making the 238,855-mile lunar journey a little more comfortable. It’s about preventing China from building the hubs first.  

Read more ....  

Update: Let's build a superhighway in space (Gordon Roesler, The Hill)  

WNU editor: US Congress is definitely on board with Space Force and its plans. They are putting even more money into the service .... Senate Appropriations Proposes $500 Million Extra for Space Force in 2022 (Air Force Magazine).


Adam said...

Now that's kinda interesting.

Dave Goldstein said...

2001 just 20 years late

Anonymous said...

Oh boy! Can't wait for another toy for the wealthy. Thanks congress.

Anonymous said...

500mn lol

You realise that under Democrats exactly 500 million (5 million per day over 100 days) were paid to contractors to NOT(!) continue their prior contractual agreements and not continue the border. You realise this, right?

So this pipe dream that the US can have a first mover advantage in space

Look at Congress.. most of them are drunks... you know this, right?
There's rumours of heavy prescription drug use, barely functioning highest members including Pelosi that drunk

Sure she's smart enough to steal 100mn+ through insider trading because she kept it legal to use insider knowledge for Congress.. but it's theft from everyone else who has less information.. she's not bright, she's corrupt

And they all drink heavily. That's not the sign of success. They should be happy. But they're not.. they're stealing more and more.. why? Ego.. they are, despite all the cronyism corruption and theft, despite all these unfair advantages, Congress who makes laws and steals from everyone is virtually poor to Chinese equivalents. They see how much more money their Chinese counter parts are making thanks to the slavery and sweat shops the Chinese have and Pelosi wants that money too.. that ghoul is craving it and drinking...

And she talks big dreams about conquering the world while her neck is half in a noose not too long from now.. it can go either way with these criminals.. they're scared. Drunk.. stealing as if there's no tomorrow.. plundering your treasure