Thursday, October 21, 2021

White House, Intelligence Agencies, And The Pentagon Issue Reports That Climate Change Threatens Global Security

Washington Post: White House, intelligence agencies, Pentagon issue reports warning that climate change threatens global security  

As the United States and nations around the world struggle to blunt the effects of rising temperatures and extreme weather, sweeping assessments released Thursday by the White House, the U.S. intelligence community and the Pentagon conclude that climate change will exacerbate long-standing threats to global security. 

Together, the reports show a deepening concern within the U.S. security establishment that the shifts unleashed by climate change can reshape U.S. strategic interests, offer new opportunities to rivals such as China, and increase instability in nuclear states such as North Korea and Pakistan. 

The reports emerge as world leaders prepare to gather in Glasgow next month for crucial climate talks.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The National Intelligence report is here .... National Intelligence Estimate on climate change. The White House report is here (link here). The Department of Defense report is here (link here). 

More News On The White House, Intelligence Agencies, And The Pentagon Issuing Reports That Climate Change Threatens Global Security  

US outlines response as climate change drives migration -- AP 

US intelligence reports warn of climate-linked global instability -- Bloomberg  

Climate Change Poses a Widening Threat to National Security -- New York Times 

Intelligence community: 'No country will be spared' from climate-related challenges -- The Hill  

White House outlines national security risks posed by climate change -- Business Insider

'No country will be spared' from effects of climate change, Biden administration reports detail -- CNN  

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III’s Statement on the DoD Climate Risk Analysis -- US Department of Defense  

White House unveils landmark reports on climate links to security, migration -- Axios


Anonymous said...

Yeah. Sure

Anonymous said...

nice comprehensive comment that adds depth and answers to the issue
@ 12:42

fred said...

“We just don’t have any more time to waste,” the Florida congresswoman said in an interview with the Guardian ahead of crucial UN climate talks in Scotland. “We have got to act now or else we’re condemning our children and future generations to a really horrendous time.”

Climate scientists say the world must keep the average global temperature from rising more than 1.5C (2.7F) compared with the pre-industrial era, or risk catastrophically more dangerous effects of climate change. Upon rejoining the global effort to confront the climate crisis, Joe Biden vowed that the US would cut emissions by 50% to 52% below 2005 levels by the end of the decade.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Fred

We all know what the climate change fanatics say

Do you mind quoting those very same group about 30 years ago, when they tried to scare us into global cooling?

Then they tried global warming for a while

Then they tested which term would lead to better results, also in confusing the argument.. climate has always and will always change

Millions of recorded artifacts, samples from ground ice etc have been taken and analysed and confirm this. For 600,000 years - that's the oldest carbon dated record I believe we have trapped in permafrost, climate changed and changed because of the sun mostly

The sun produces so much energy that it causes all the weather around you on a daily basis, you know this

And while every year we can predict cyclic changes, the actual destructive (real climate change events) are not preventable nor human caused

They are
1. Volcanoes
2. Solar flares
3. Then only Methan and other gases

You know nothing of science, are a English teacher and repeat already debunked missing misinformation .. you're a helpful tool to enslave people under a carbon credit you absolute idiot

Anonymous said...

Leonard Nemoy in the 1970s talking you into global cooling, with a really serious voice and a cold chilly backdrop to convince morons like you who then work as a parrot to enslave us using those taking points

Oh Fred. You're 90 years and haven't grown wise.

May I suggest to hurry? ;;-)

Respectfully yours, little parrot

- The parrot handler

Anonymous said...

For those of you who don't know Leonard Nemoy.. he was spock from the enterprise, the biggest show in the 70s and he played the logical science officer

That's why they picked him, an actor of science, to talk you into this

Just like Fred is an actor and really good at it, I might add, in mimicking human intellect

Close, but no cigar

Wake up. We have morons all around us who are used to amplify their talking points and they never ever wake up.
They are gone. Zombies. No own thought. Only blab what the telly says and never catch on to what's really going on.