Thursday, October 28, 2021

WHO Says Global COVID-19 Cases Are Rising For The First Time In Two Months


CNBC: Global Covid cases and deaths rise for the first time in two months, WHO say 

Covid-19 cases and deaths are climbing across the world for the first time in two months as the virus surges across Europe, World Health Organization officials said at a briefing Thursday. 

After weeks of decline, infections in Europe have risen over the last three consecutive weeks, even as cases fall in every other region across the world, according to WHO. 

There were nearly 3 million new Covid cases reported worldwide for the week ended Sunday, an increase of 4% from the previous seven days, according to WHO’s most recent epidemiological update. 

Globally, Covid cases had fallen 4% the week before, despite a 7% increase across Europe over that same period. Cases in Europe surged by 18% over the last week alone, WHO data shows.  

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WNU Editor: The WHO is seeking more funding .... WHO, partners seek more than $23B US for new COVID-19 war chest (CBC/Reuters).


Anonymous said...

Florida - no vaccine mandates resulting in LOWEST covid deaths in the United states

India gave ivermectin, saw great results

TRAITORS to humanity and western civilisation force and coerce vaccines on an unaware population, causing an extinction level event on purpose


Joe Biden

And many more

Anonymous said...

WHO's action caused so much misinformation, terror and death around the globe they should all immediately be declared terrorists, arrested and put on permanent watch lists.

These people have killed so many around the globe, it's a joke they claim they work for us.

They misinform and terrorise us.
They take our money.
They actively plot to use the fear of disease to change humanity and civilisation and human rights

Anonymous said...

Everything that you blog about on this blog is pointless or will be made pointless by this:

Biden Regime to Pay Hundreds of Millions to Illegal Alien Families ‘Separated’ at Border in 2018 – $450,000 Per Illegal Alien

It will fall out one of 3 different ways.

1) They will cease and desist for the moment if opposition is too much. The liberal democrats (i.e. communists) will explain it was just brain storming and all ideas are valid in the initial stages.

2) They will go ahead and give each illegal family $450.,000 per person and they will be richer than most middle class families. Yellen, the whore, will just print the money. We will get massive inflation.

3) They will give each family a smaller amount like $30,000, which will be like winning the lottery to them, People will flood the southern border. This will be the slow cooking the frog method. Along with the 30k they will get welfare. They will live well indeed.

The press are bunch of putas. They show a little girl who was separated and us crying. A woman's leg is shown in the frame. Thar woman is her mother. So no the little girl was not separated.

The MSM should be called the Puta Press.

Of course, if the Democrats give out no money this year, they will still have propagandized the public against Orangeman Bad.

Putin stole money to fund his girlfriend. As many laws as Putin breaks, he looks like the picture of probity compared to any Democrat.