Thursday, October 28, 2021

Why The Cop26 Global Climate Summit At Glasgow Will Fail


Yahoo News: Scientists express doubt that Glasgow climate change conference will be successful 

If there is a consensus about the forthcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, it is that it represents, in the words of U.S. climate envoy John Kerry, the “last best hope” for the world to keep the worst consequences of global warming at bay. 

But for many of the scientists whose work has informed the grim reports issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in recent years, the chances that an agreement will be reached to keep global temperatures from rising 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels seem dim, at best. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: This summit is already on a rocky start. 

The leader from the world's biggest contributor of greenhouse gases will not be there, as well as the leader of one of world's largest energy producers .... China's Xi Jinping and Russia's Vladimir Putin set to snub COP26 (Business Insider). 

And then there is major polluter India, who has made it very clear that they are a victim not a contributor to greenhouse gases .... India says it's a 'victim' of global warming 'not a contributor' as it rejects net zero emissions target (CNN). 

And then there is this big problem .... UN Report Says Greenhouse Gas Concentrations Hit A New Record In 2020 Despite Widespread Lock-downs (October 25, 2021). 

If locking much of the global economy still resulted in an increase in greenhouse gases, that tells me that they are other climate factors at play that are more dominant than man-made ones.


Anonymous said...

Of course it will fail, its a scam, if you read the goals of the COP26, none of them address climate change, they are all around generating wealth for certain investment. We also see a huge surge in bitcoins value as all the money they are throwing around behind the scenes, likewish buying up land in the UK. We are seeing the true nature of this summit, that its about wealth and control, and the science doesn't really stack up. While they blame CO2, they expect everyone to blindly follow and not ask follow up questions like why is it CO2, a 0.04% trace molecule, why is it not the shrinking ozone, or the fact we are absorbing more of the suns energy with solar panels but causing massive energy losses to heat before we use it in our homes?

RussInSoCal said...

Chalk up another "Extraordinary Success" for the Biden Clown Car.

anon said...

As far as a climate summit it may fail but as a meeting to chat about new ideas on how to to stomp on their own citizens rights regarding lockdowns, forced vaccinations and whatever other devilish plans they have next for their people it should be a great success.

Anonymous said...

"While they blame CO2, they expect everyone to blindly follow and not ask follow up questions like why is it CO2, a 0.04% trace molecule, why is it not the shrinking ozone, or the fact we are absorbing more of the suns energy with solar panels but causing massive energy losses to heat before we use it in our homes?"

Do not ask Fred. He cannot argue. He can just copy and paste.

Anonymous said...

Do not ask Fred. He cannot argue. He can just copy and paste.

Anonymous said...

The next generation is already being indoctrinated about their climate change carbon control agenda