Thursday, November 4, 2021

Are We In A Historic Age Of Protest?

Adam Taylor, Washington Post: Why is the world protesting so much? A new study claims to have some answers 

Are we in a historic age of protest? A new study released Thursday that looked at demonstrations between 2006 and 2020 found that the number of protest movements around the world had more than tripled in less than 15 years. Every region saw an increase, the study found, with some of the largest protest movements ever recorded — including the farmers’ protests that began in 2020 in India, the 2019 protests against President Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil and ongoing Black Lives Matter protests since 2013. 

Titled “World Protests: A Study of Key Protest Issues in the 21st Century,” the study comes from a team of researchers with German think tank Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Initiative for Policy Dialogue, a nonprofit organization based at Columbia University and adds to a growing body of literature about our era of increasing protests. Looking closely at more than 900 protest movements or episodes across 101 countries and territories, the authors came to the conclusion that we are living through a period of history like the years around 1848, 1917 or 1968 “when large numbers of people rebelled against the way things were, demanding change.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Protest movements are nothing new, and from my perspective today's protests are very mild when compared to the past. The report is here .... World Protests Study.


Anonymous said...

Government is not the will of God

Anonymous said...

If you want to get a better perspective on what's going on that doesn't lie to you constantly, this is your best bet

Today's American Journal:

Anonymous said...

"from my perspective today's protests are very mild when compared to the past."

Not so much in the USA, where the summer of 2020 saw Black Lives Matters Marxists working with Antifa under the direction of the senior membership of the Democrat party and with the assistance of the news media and the technology corporations to riot and burn and destabilize the USA. Expect more in the future. The left, working with the Democrats, are simply too entrenched. The USA's only real defense if it is to survive will be to wait until a Republican President is elected in 2024 and then, when the riots start again the President must declare martial law with a suspension of habeus corpus. With this done, the military forces of the USA must move against the leftist news media, the deep state, and the communist/anarchist organizations that plague the USA. Thousands will need to be arrested, and then tried by military tribunal. The only problem is, I doubt anyone, including Donald Trump, has the resolve to do what needs to be done. But this is the only hope for freedom in the USA. Otherwise, prepare for life under a leftist government in perpetuity.