Monday, November 8, 2021

China's Communist Leaders Gather For The Sixth Plenum


The Guardian: Summit of political elite opens in China as Xi eyes extraordinary third term 

President expected to move to consolidate power at four-day closed-door meeting in Beijing 

A meeting of hundreds of members of China’s political elite, which is expected to pave the way for Xi Jinping to consolidate power with an extraordinary third term as president, has opened in Beijing. 

The four-day, closed-door meeting of the ruling Chinese Communist party (CCP) central committee, known as the sixth plenum, is expected to produce a resolution on the history of the party, which analysts say will shape domestic politics and society for decades to come. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: China's Xi lays way for third term in power at party meeting (AP)  

Update #2: China's ruling party plenary to tighten President Xi's grip on power (France 24)  

WNU Editor: China's state media explains why this assembly is important .... As China embarks on new journey, why does CPC plenary session matter? (CGTN). 

Bottom line. This is all about cementing President Xi's power and guaranteeing another term as President. 

But there is a huge cloud in this year's plenum. Covid is starting to spread (again) in China, and the country is still dealing with an energy crisis and the severe economic shock-waves from the real estate market collapse. 

On a side note. My friends and contacts in China are telling me that everyone who has money and/or a business in China more focused on this .... China's wealthy seek new ways to move money, avoid Xi Jinping's redistribution policy (FOX News).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How is there an energy crisis in China?

There is the 3 River Gorges Dam.

China still burns coal. Is there not enough coal production or coal imports?

I thought the coal solution was a cheap trick for Glasgow and a way to clean the air ahead of the Olympics. I guess, I need to be reading additional material.