Thursday, November 4, 2021

Chinese Media Mocks President Biden Over Climate 'Apology'

Pictured: Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the 16th G20 Leaders' Summit via video link in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 31, 2021. The leader will not be attending Cop26

FOX News: China mocks 'powerless' Biden over climate summit 'apology' 

President Xi Jinping meanwhile has attended the conference virtually China has taken President Biden’s comments in Glasgow climate summit as a chance to mock the president as "powerless," despite the absence of President Xi Jinping from the conference. 

Biden spoke at the opening of the COP26 U.N. climate summit on Monday, stressing the need for "action and solidarity" while also using the moment to "apologize" for the fact "the U.S., under the last administration," pulled out of the Paris accord.  

Read more ....  

Update: China Snaps Back at Biden Criticising Xi's Absence From COP26, Questions 1.5C Goal (Sputnik)  

WNU Editor: The Global Times post is here .... Biden’s apology in Glasgow shows hypocrisy, powerlessness of US politicians (Ai Jun, Global Times). 

As for China's commitment to cutting its emissions. Rhetoric aside, this is what they are doing .... What climate crisis? China tackles energy shortage by boosting coal production by a million tonnes a day as world leaders – minus President Xi – attend COP26 (Daily Mail).


Anonymous said...

When they take away your energy or reduce it, what they do is this:

They artificially limit all of your growth. Everything - everything, from transport to research to military to human life, depends on energy first and foremost

This is an all out war of globalists against humans and nations.

They want to limit the potential of individuals and transfer all power over time to globalist favourites.

If you're accepting this, it'll get worse and worse over time.

Every day this goes on is treason.
They have captured us

Anonymous said...

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the world for the existence of the current administriation. As much as you hated DJT, you are about to see how bad things can really get.