Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Does The Biden Administration Have A Plan B If The Iran Nuclear Talks Collapse?

A staff member removes the Iranian flag from the stage after a group picture with foreign ministers during the Iran nuclear talks at the Vienna International Center on July 14, 2015.Carlos Barria / Pool via Reuters 

NBC: U.S. weighs grim options if nuclear talks with Iran collapse  

Israel has warned it will take military action if Iran is close to having a nuclear weapon. 

As Iran and world powers prepare to resume negotiations next week on reviving a nuclear deal, the U.S. and its allies are already debating a list of "Plan B" options if the negotiations collapse, Western diplomats, former U.S. officials and experts say. 

With chances for a breakthrough at the talks in Vienna looking remote and Iran at odds with U.N. nuclear inspectors, U.S. and European officials face a grim set of choices — from ramped-up sanctions to potential military action — as Iran’s nuclear program advances into dangerous territory.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Iran -IAEA talks collapsed today .... UN nuclear watchdog fails to reach access deal with Iran (The Guardian). As for the scheduled talks in Vienna later this month, Iran is already making it very clear that their only priority will be the lifting of sanctions .... Iran to focus on 'lifting sanctions' in Vienna talks (MEHR News Agency).


Anonymous said...

Taking military action against a nation-state because they are close to making a nuke makes no sense. If it did, then it would have already been done against N. Korea.

If Israel feels it must attack Iran to destroy their nuclear facilities, then that is up to them. The USA does not have to be a part of that. But no tears would be lost if Israel attacked Iran, who is a sworn enemy of the USA.

Anonymous said...

Biden could simply follow the Trump plan.

Anonymous said...

Plan Bravo; blame Trump.

Plan Charlie; see plan B.

Anonymous said...

Here is the Trump plan


Anonymous said...

Plan B is the US to disarm Israel.

Anonymous said...

Plan B is Tony and Ned break out the kneepads.

Anonymous said...

Trump dumped negotiations with Iran on nukes. But then Iran continued with the development of nukes. There was no plan after that. Nothing.

Anonymous said...

Trump plan was sanctions and they hurt very much, which is why Iran is squealing.

Sanction is something you do other than going to war. They work. they force the enemies hand. They have to fold or go to war.

In 1940, the US embargoed Japan from receiving iron and oil from the US. The Japanese junta chose war over folding. It is proof that embargoes do not always make the enemy fold, but it is proof that embargoes and sanctions can bite deep and hurt very much.

The only Iranians, who like the Iranian governing system, are people in the mind to upper reaches of government or in the IRGC. There is also you lover boy. People always wonder why you have a man crush on the Ayatollah.

Iran is squealing and here you are squealing about sanctions also. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

sanctions have not stopped Iran's development of nukes. They are selling drugs etc and getting financial help from a few other nations. If sanctions worked why this post by the editor? or Israel's attacks and warnings?

If I, a relatively unaffected author, can conjure up a way for Iran to effectively bypass US sanctions, then it is likely that Iran, given the pressure it faces, has already been doing that for some time and has even become good at it.

How does an entity under sanction continuously supply its proxies with fresh US dollars? How does it maintain US dollar liquidity? The answer might surprise many. It is Bitcoin, the world’s most prolific cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin’s unique properties like anonymity, security, portability, and decentralisation help secure Iran’s assets from American surveillance and sabotage. Bitcoin’s fungibility in turn is a great boon to Iran’s worldwide operations; any amount of Bitcoin can easily be exchanged for dollars (or any other currency) relatively easily.

Anonymous said...

There is also you lover boy. People always wonder why you have a man crush on the Ayatollah.

mommy's little babe saying shit about other's .
stay at home and cry and mommy will change nappies

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

The statements were very specific and so easy to prove or disprove. Instead of rebutting So you weaseled out and instead of an ad hominem attack you go with "What are you talking about".

Anonymous said...

Again, what are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

?How much do you get paid for trolling pendejo?

Anonymous said...

I guess we'll be tedious, what are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

We are talking about you pendejo.

Anonymous said...

Trump disliked the American-led agreement with Iran. He discarded it. Now Iran going ahead with nuke plans. What Biden will do is not yet known but what Trump did had not worked at all. simple to understand. What Biden does might not work. But what Trump did do for sure was worthless and Iran went ahead with its plan. The sanctions imposed did hurt Iran's economy. But Iran still going ahead despite the Trump-imposed sanctions. Show us otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Iran cheated on Obama's nuclear deal. Obama in fact funded terrorism throughout the Middle East and beyond when he showered them with money. The Iranians will cheat on any Biden (Obama 3rd term deal).

What Trump did was retard their forward progress. Better that they take longer building one bomb and have a poor economy so they cannot quickly build more, than to give them a free pass like Biden or Obama.

Too bad both your parents were morons. You never had a chance.