Friday, November 5, 2021

Growing Reports Of Starvation In North Korea

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un seems willing to openly acknowledge the severity of the situation

BBC: As winter looms, reports of starvation in North Korea 

The warnings are stark and coming from inside and outside of North Korea. Defectors based in South Korea have told us that their families in the North are going hungry. 

There is a concern as winter approaches that the most vulnerable will starve.

"Problems such as more orphan children on the streets and death by starvation are continuously being reported," said Lee Sang Yong, editor in chief of the Daily NK, which has sources in North Korea. 

"The lower classes in North Korea are suffering more and more," as food shortages are worse than expected, Mr Lee said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: North Korea says this crisis will last into 2025 .... North Korea tells hungry citizens to ‘tighten belts’ until 2025 (Radio Free Asia).  

Update: This may alleviate some of the shortages .... North Korea and China restart rail freight, ending pandemic trade ban (Radio Free Asia).

1 comment:

Jac said...

Socialist system is exactly that, and that is what our leftist want for us.