Saturday, November 6, 2021

Here Are The 4 Fighter Jets The US Air Force Wants To Fight Future Wars

Two F-22s, top, and two F-35s. US Air Force 

Business Insider: The US Air Force is trimming its fighter force. Here are the 4 jets it wants to fight future wars.  

* The US Air Force is looking to right-size its fighter fleet as it reorients toward new adversaries. 

* Air Force officials say the service's current seven fighter airframes are too expensive to maintain. 

* Officials say their plan is to trim the fighter force down to four airframes in the coming decades. 

In September, two of the Air Force's highest-ranking officers warned that the service is running out of time to develop the new assets and capabilities it needs to stay ahead of emerging threats. 

Gen. Charles Brown Jr., the Air Force chief of staff, called for the service to "move with a sense of urgency" in response to strategic competition with China, which he called "one of our nation's greatest challenges." 

"We cannot wait for a catastrophic crisis, whether it be sudden or insidious, to drive change for the Air Force and the Joint Force. If we do, it will be too late," Brown said at the Air Force Association's Air, Space, and Cyber conference.  

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WNU Editor: The four models will be the F-35, the F-15E and EX, the F-16, and the F-22 will be replaced with the Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program. The A-10 fleet will be retired.

1 comment:

Dave Goldstein said...

The AF has been trying to get rid of the A-10 for a long time. Don't bet on it. It's still the best air support plane in the world. The Russians are afraid of it and their version doesn't come close