Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Is Bosnia On The Verge Of Breaking Up?



The Guardian: Bosnia is in danger of breaking up, warns top international official 

Exclusive: high representative says threat by Serb separatists to create their own army risks return of conflict 

The international community’s chief representative in Bosnia has warned that the country is in imminent danger of breaking apart, and there is a “very real” prospect of a return to conflict. 

In a report to the UN seen by the Guardian, Christian Schmidt, the high representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, said that if Serb separatists carry out their threat to recreate their own army, splitting the national armed forces in two, more international peacekeepers would have to be sent back in to stop the slide towards a new war.  

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More News On Concerns That Bosnia Is In Danger Of Breaking-Up  

International envoy warns of Bosnia breakup amid tensions -- Euronews/AP  

Bosnia's peace deal is at risk of unraveling, warns envoy -- CNN  

Bosnian leader stokes fears of Balkan breakup -- BBC  

Bosnia breakup an ‘existential threat’ without international involvement, official warns -- PBS News Hour


Anonymous said...

Prob time to start talks about how/when to the split the country. I don't think this thing will be resolved unless that occurs. Each side both gives and takes

Anonymous said...

Russia is no longer weak or as weak as it was in the mid-1990s. So General Vanilley, Resident Biden, Shikken Obama, and Seal Trainer Klain might want o consider that fact.

If the Four Amigos decide to wag the dog can they legitimately project power in the Pacific at the same time? A lot of power in a quiet theater does not equate to sufficient power. China might go after Taiwan.

China might want payback. If hitting the Chinese embassy was not an accident, was China up to something? Regardless they will portray themselves as the aggrieved party and want payback by giving the Serbs equipment.

Splitting up Bosnia might be the right thing to do. I think it is. It would be a delayed resolution with the delay caused by diplomats (emphasis on the 1st syllable) with manicures. What will a rump Bosniak state look like? A hotbed of Saudi Arabian Salafism?

It sucks all the way around. The 500 year bridge at Mostar was on the bucket list, but is was blown up. It has been rebuilt, but what is the point now? It would like visiting a rebuilt Japanese castle, where the foundation is ferro-concrete and the top floor has a souvenir shop. Many things are off the bucket list because of COVID, enviro-whackjobs and Muslim terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Just let them do it and kill each other...end of problem. Leave them alone to do it.