Friday, November 5, 2021

Key Republicans Tell President Biden To Send US Troops And Weapons To Ukraine

Defense News: Send Ukraine US troops, weapons, key Republicans tell Biden 

WASHINGTON ― Republican Reps. Mike Rogers and Mike Turner are urging U.S. President Joe Biden to further arm Ukraine and “deploy a U.S. military presence in the Black Sea” to warn off a renewed invasion threat from Russian forces. 

“With the recent massing of Russian forces on the Ukrainian border, we urge your administration to take immediate and swift action to provide support to Ukraine in the form of intelligence and weapons,” Rogers, of Alabama, and Turner, of Ohio, said Friday in a letter to Biden, which was obtained by Defense News. Rogers and Turner are the ranking members of, respectively, the House Armed Services Committee and Strategic Forces Subcommittee. 

“We also urge your administration to deploy a U.S. military presence in the Black Sea to deter a Russian invasion,” the letter says, adding Biden’s administration “cannot ignore Russia’s continued threat to international law and Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty.”  

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WNU Editor: These senators are justifying this deployment because of this .... Russian Military Maneuvers Near Ukraine ‘Unusual,’ US Warns (VOA). It should also be pointed out that Russian President Putin made it clear a few weeks ago that such an involvement in Ukraine by the West will be seen by Russia as a grave threat .... Russian President Putin Warns NATO That Any Move On Ukraine Will Have Consequences (October 21, 2021).


Adam said...

Cotton is always on the wrong side of these issues imo.

Anonymous said...

These senators are confused.
The pacific is the focus and it’s unfortunate the USA can’t do Russia and China at same time. Pacific is vital to US national interests. Ukraine isnt. Europe is big enough to take care of itself.

fazman said...

Cotton is correct, ukraine today , fulda gap tomorrow. China , Russia, Iran, and NK are constantly pushing the envelope, and calling the U.S bluff.

Anonymous said...

Hey look it's America's favorite goober fascist, Tom Cotton.

Whatever this dolt says, do the opposite.

Caecus said...

Another lunatic who doesn't realise the cold war ended 30 years ago