Monday, November 8, 2021

Migrants Storm The Polish Border From Belarus


Daily Mail: 'We will defend our country and the entire EU': Polish soldiers force back hundreds of migrants at the border with pepper spray after Belarus dictator Lukashenko sent 1,000 refugees to invade 

* Desperate migrants gathered at Belarusian frontier with Poland on Monday, attempting to hack down fence 

* The men, women and children, were met by a line of Polish guards who forced them back with pepper spray 

* Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko is accused of 'weaponising' the migrants in his war with the West 

* He was slapped with sanctions for a violent crackdown and for forcing a Ryanair flight from the sky in May 

* Middle Eastern and African people have been flown into Belarus and ferried to border by Lukashenko's men 

* Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki vowed to defend his country 'and the entire EU' from the illegal entrants

* Warsaw called action 'invasion' and declared it was sending 12,000 troops to reinforce 10,000 already there 

* EU chief Ursula von der Leyen has called on member states to impose new sanctions against Lukashenko 

Poland has vowed to 'defend Europe' from a 'migrant invasion' unleashed by Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko whose forces have coerced more than 1,000 refugees to smash through the border. 

Desperate migrants gathered at the Belarusian frontier with Poland on Monday, attempting to hack down a barbed-wire fence only to meet a phalanx of Polish guards who forced them back with pepper spray. 

Middle Eastern and African migrants have been flown into Belarus by Lukashenko who is using them as human cannon fodder in his battle with the EU, the US and Britain, after they imposed sanctions following a violent political crackdown, which included forcing a Ryanair flight from the sky in May.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Belarus is already under deep EU sanctions. I do not see what other sanctions can the EU impose on the country .... EU leadership calls for new sanctions against Belarus as migrant crisis on Polish border escalates (RT). 

Update: The border is now officially closed .... Poland closes border crossing point with Belarus (Reuters). 

More News On Migrants Storming The Polish Border From Belarus

‘Biggest attempt to enter Poland by force’ is underway, top official says -- RT  

Migrants aided by Belarus try to push across Polish border -- AP  

Belarus escorts 1,000 migrants towards Polish border -- The Guardian 

Belarus-Poland: 3,000-4,000 migrants at border - Polish gov't -- Reuters  

Crisis worsens on Poland-Belarus border as migrants congregate and troops are mobilized -- CNN  

Poland says Belarus 'fully' controls migrants after attempted breach -- DW  

Poland warns of further large migrant clashes on Belarus border -- Reuters  

‘Biggest’ wave of migrants and ‘hybrid war’: How thousands of illegals tried to take Belarus-Poland border by storm -- RT


Anonymous said...

Is that what a boarder looks like. Its been so long I almost forgot.

Anonymous said...


So we discussed the vectors;

And you know they have all the data they needed to make the model very, very accurate.

Can we start from there?

It's a closed loop for the mind and the body.

The holy grail.

They control - through your captured institutions, data highways and communication routes - entire swaths of populations against their will - without their and even your knowledge.

You might think those who agree or disagree with you on any issue of importance, that they are just crazy, stupid, or perhaps misinformed.

In fact, they are misguided, misdirected against you and their own will and self-interest. More often than you now understand, it is you who got captured. Against your will and knowledge.

That's why people don't see them.

They don't touch you,
they don't appear in front of you.
They move others to move against you.
And those who move against you don't even know.

It's full-spectrum domination combined with closed loop monitoring and real-time data; they not only change laws, they change history, norms and even truth.

They form short-life directional matrices mostly through spokespeople, lawfare, captured legal systems, judges, AGs, influencers...

They form long-life matrices of your path as your own "north star" through slow indoctrination: through education, class rooms, authors, thought leaders, religious leaders - anything that you seek out in masses and typically keep in touch with throughout a long or recurring period in your life. Your religious institutions and leaders have been captured first, in fact.

One of the key reasons why they want to get rid of the "nuclear family" (see BLM, Inc, a captured institution), is because they want to control your life cycle; and full control starts with your offspring.

They want to control you cradle to grave.

And, if you do not resist it will happen. How do I know? Because they are well on their way to make it happen, the war is almost over and you don't even know you are in it.

You are deep, deep in shit, and I am not sure I am wasting my time here.

It used to take 2 decades to do a proper generational cycle and indoctrination.

They are getting the same results in under a year now.

They change your norms --- and you think it's yourself doing the changing, or a coming together of some sorts. Or liberation.


In all likelihood, it's them first.

Their system is so advanced, so all-encompasing that you deny it happens and coulnd't happen to you, while it's both - happening for decades and happening to you. Right now.

Chances are you accepted or came in contact with a several dozen of their programming today, and, as your mind is kept fatigued, does not want fight nor seeks conflict, gives in.

There are big and small lies.

For the big lies to go on and keep formed into the shape they want, they push out "pings" to measure cohesion of the population and their formed vectors.

Your trigger response is what they measure.

Their "shape checks" scan the 3d surface area of your shadow model they've created off you to then calculate the movement of your mind through time; with modeled trajectry, in short they can even let you be in your mind where they want you in the future. If they want you to accept X and you are not aware of what's going on, in less than a year you will not only accept X but talk others into X too.


We are at an inflection point in the history of mankind.

You seek peace, they seek domination.

To resist them, learn self-reliance of the body and mind.

Good luck and God speed.

Adam said...

Seriously rooting for Poland to be strong and pull through this mess.

Anonymous said...

This is putin's baby. Keep the border closed until the diapers get changed.

Anonymous said...

Jailbreaking the government fools