Monday, November 8, 2021

Millions Of Afghans Are Now In Danger Of Starving With Food Running Out


Business Insider: Afghanistan will be 'hell on earth' as millions are in danger of starving with food running out, food program head says

 * Millions in Afghanistan face starvation and food running out as winter approaches. 

 * Starvation could affect 23 million people in Afghanistan, the director of the World Food Programme told the BBC.  

* He also called on world leaders and billionaires to donate to the country in light of the current situation. 

Millions in Afghanistan are in danger of starvation with food running out as winter approaches, the BBC reported. 

"Ninety-five percent of the people don't have enough food, and now we're looking at 23 million people marching towards starvation," David Beasley, director of the World Food Programme, told the BBC. 

"The next six months are going to be catastrophic. It is going to be hell on Earth," he added. 

If the winter weather is as bad as it is supposed to be, more than half of Afghans in the country could face starvation and famine.  

Read more ....  

Update: Afghans facing 'hell on earth' as winter looms (BBC)  

WNU Editor: The US and its NATO allies played a critical role in making sure that people did not starve. Providing aid to all regardless of their background or allegiances. 

This was also one of the reasons that the Pentagon and the intel community voiced to President Biden on why US forces needed to stay. Advice that President Biden choose to ignore, oblivious to the humanitarian disaster that we are witnessing now. 

So what is next? 

The US and NATO are now gone, and the Taliban cannot be trusted to distribute aid properly. 

This is where the Taliban's allies .... Pakistan and China to name a few .... need to step up and provide assistance immediately. 

But I am willing to bet that their aid will be minuscule, falling far short on what is needed.  

Update #2: Signs of famine are now appearing in Kabul itself .... Emaciated children in Kabul hospital point to rising hunger (AP).

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