Sunday, November 7, 2021

More Bad Polling Numbers For President Biden. Local Democrats Sound The Alarm

USA Today: Gloomy landscape for Democrats in midterms as Biden's approval drops to 38% in USA TODAY/Suffolk poll 

A year before the 2022 midterm elections, Republicans hold a clear lead on the congressional ballot as President Joe Biden's approval rating sinks to a new low of 38%. 

A USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, taken Wednesday through Friday, found that Biden's support cratered among the independent voters who delivered his margin of victory over President Donald Trump one year ago. 

Biden and his party are poised for a rebound, advocates argue, after the House passed a $1.2 trillion "hard" infrastructure bill late Friday, sending the signature measure to Biden's desk for his signature. An encouraging economic report released Friday morning showed stronger-than-expected job growth.  

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WNU Editor: Local Democrats are raising the alarm .... Local Democrats warn party: Growing Republican wave is real (AP). Some Democrat politicians are seeing the political winds shifting away from them .... Republicans look for advantage as House Democrats opt for retirement over re-election (NBC).


RussInSoCal said...

When you install a corrupt incompetent by way a rigged and fraudulent election, this is the end product - a disaster.

Biden should be (should have been) full time in his walled off Delaware mansion with a full time wet nurse, not in the White House busily destroying the country.

(with the help of every Marxicrat, commie Obama leg-humper hold-over from 10+ years ago)



Jac said...


100% right. As long as this supposed be President is in power we can fear the worst.

Anonymous said...

They know some will hang for literal treason.. expect false flags