Friday, November 5, 2021

Nine Ethiopian Rebel Groups Form Anti-Government Alliance


CNN: Armed groups join forces in Ethiopia in biggest threat yet to embattled Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed 

(CNN)Armed groups fighting Ethiopia's central government are swelling in numbers as they advance on the capital Addis Ababa, posing the biggest threat to embattled Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's rule since a bloody year-long conflict began in the country's northern Tigray region a year ago. 

Nine groups opposing the government -- a broad coalition of armed groups and political actors representing different regional and ethnic interests -- formed a new alliance on Friday "in response to the scores of crises facing the country" and to fight against the "genocidal regime of Ethiopia," according to a statement issued by organizers. 

The new bloc, which calls itself the United Front of Ethiopian Federalist and Confederalist Forces, said in a signing event in Washington, DC, that it no longer recognized Abiy's government as legitimate and would seek to establish transitional arrangements, striving toward a democratic future.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This civil war is now entering a new and deadlier phase. 

More News On Ethiopia's Civil War  

Nine anti-gov’t groups team up as Ethiopia recalls ex-soldiers -- Al Jazeera  

Ethiopia rebels to 'join forces' to defeat Abiy government -- RFI  

Ethiopia: Nine armed factions join forces in attempt to oust Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed -- SKY News  

Crackdown Sweeps Ethiopia’s Capital as War Draws Near -- NYTimes 

Ethiopia: Thousands fill stadium to support new military recruits -- Africa News  

State Department urges all U.S. citizens to leave Ethiopia amid anti-government pact -- NBC News 

State Dept. urges all U.S. citizens to leave Ethiopia "as soon as possible" -- Axios  

Ethiopia-Tigray war: who is fighting and what has been the toll? -- The Guardian


Anonymous said...

Let's see, the coalition of rebels is fighting against the "genocidal regime of Ethiopia," led by the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Abiy Ahmed. Great call Nobel Prize Committee! This illustrates the Nobel Peace Prize is now just some leftist bullshit award which goes to unworthy recipients (such as Barrack Obama for another bad example).

Anonymous said...

Bay-rack winning this "award" was the eye opening final blow to the Nobel Prize for me.