Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Pentagon Review Finds No ‘Misconduct Or Negligence’ In US Drone Strike That Killed 10 Afghans


Daily Mail: Pentagon admits a child could be seen in video of Kabul drone strike that killed seven kids and three adults two minutes before launch of missile - but report clears anyone of negligence 

* After an independent investigation, the Pentagon admitted Wednesday the child could be seen in footage analyzed during probe minutes before August 29 strike  

* The strike - intended to target a supposed ISIS-K member, instead killed 43-year-old US aid worker Zemari Ahmadi and 9 members of his family - including 7 kids 

* The botched bombing came in response to an August 26 suicide attack on Kabul airport by ISIS-K days before, killing 13 US troops and 170 Afghan civilians 

* The report does not recommend any disciplinary action for drone operators involved the mismanaged operation, who missed the child in midst of attack 

* Air Force Inspector General Sami Said said the strike was result of 'execution errors,' 'confirmation bias and communication breakdowns' on Wednesday in DC 

US drone operators have been cleared of not spotting a child who was inside a Kabul compound two minutes before launching a bombing that killed 10 innocent people. 

After an independent investigation conducted by the Department of the Air Force Inspector General, the Pentagon admitted Wednesday that the child, who was not identified, could be seen in video footage analyzed during the probe mere minutes before the August 29 drone strike. 

The attack killed 43-year-old US aid worker Zemari Ahmadi and 9 members of his family - including 7 children.  

Read more .... 

Pentagon Review Finds No ‘Misconduct Or Negligence’ In US Drone Strike That Killed 10 Afghans  

Air Force inspector general says US strike that killed 7 children, 3 adults in Afghanistan was 'an honest mistake' -- USA Today  

Air Force review of Kabul strike that killed 10 civilians finds significant errors were made but law wasn't broken -- CNN  

DoD Says Botched Afghanistan Airstrike in Final Days of War Was Due to Rushed, Poor Planning -- 

Botched drone strike that killed 10 civilians in Kabul was not a result of criminal negligence, Pentagon says -- Washington Post  

Pentagon review finds no criminal negligence in Afghan drone strike -- The Hill  

Pentagon review found that footage showed child present minutes before U.S. drone attack in Kabul -- NBC  

Pentagon review finds no violation of law in drone strike that killed 10 Afghan civilians -- Axios  

Pentagon review finds no misconduct in botched US drone strike in Kabul that killed 10 civilians -- ABC News Australia  

No ‘misconduct or negligence’ in US drone strike on Afghan aid worker that killed 7 children, Pentagon probe finds -- RT


Anonymous said...

A rocket fired into a seemingly crowded city neighborhood?

Anonymous said...

Cover up

Anonymous said...

If you accept drone strikes of civilians in other countries, don't be surprised if eventually they hover over you

Think that's impossible?
It's predicted in any moral principles

That what you don't want others to do you you.....

But, you allowed it all for way too long

Defend laws and norms and moral guidance or you have nothing

Think of it

Not only politics is upstream from culture, but laws

And they normalize perversion, corruption, lies, fear, division, incompetence and treason

Do not give into silencing and intimidation. Defend your rights, your freedoms.

But, AS ALWAYS and that's how you can tell I'm neither a Fed nor inside nor outside agitator):

1. Do it legally
2. Do it with such moral superiority that just by standing against you they reveal who and what they are. Like in boxing, LET THEM GO FOR YOU, but you have it planned out.. take the initiative in the legal, moral and just common sense arena
3. Ridicule them once they have tripped. But not too much either, those who really did this should immediately be arrested. Citizen arrests where legal. Go get deputized!

And watch what they do
Monitor their every move, because they monitor you too

If the government fears the people there's freedom, if it's the other way around and you fear the government, that's tyranny

And I'm not even calling for them to fear you. But they mustn't be above laws either. No one. Not me. Not you. Not them.

Good luck & god speed