Monday, November 1, 2021

Picture Of The Day

Indigo Defender A sailor fires a .50-caliber machine gun aboard the USS O’Kane in the Red Sea, Oct. 25, 2021, during Indigo Defender, a bilateral maritime exercise. 

 WNU Editor: The above picture is from U.S. Department of Defense Photo-Gallery Page (link here).


Anonymous said...

As said earlier, the Chinese are now openly(!) resisting the Global reset and currently Russia seems to align itself with China, but it may be that Russia will betray China, to usher in the Great Reset. Like controlled opposition.

The Chinese truly have broken away from the globalist system.

They played the globalists and at first agreed to cutting carbon and to allow gender confusion in (a key element in breaking logical cohesions in a society, for it is the most elementary function of humans.

I am not saying gender disformation doesn't exist. it does. But it is extremely rare biologically like 0.1% and gets purposefully combined with people who have mental disorders, and they are being put in charge of health and camps now, HATING everyone and according to study after study have a much higher rate of suicide, AND causing violence (incl rape, torture and homicide) against others.

You are being conditioned to ignore these things as they made any critical thinking painful to you.
Don't you see this?

They build camps and put psychos in charge as the fall people.

Genocide is conducted not just by psychopathic, megalomaniac leaders like Pelosi who just a few days ago talked about ruling the World, but people who are willing to bash in heads are being put into the police, the good are purged, and this extends to the military level too.

This concerns everyone(!) that clinically mentally sick people are put into highest offices of health and decent people are purged from the US military. People who oppose human rights violations.

Think of the holocaust to come. Any nation could be hit. Any people. Any race or ethnicity.

They know no bounds.
They break human rights.
They create an apartheid system.

They tell you literally they will take your privacy and that you will live under a system in which YOU own nothing and they own everything, INCLUDING your bodily autonomy.

DO you see now this is urgent?

Please wake other people up
Klaus Schwab talks about capturing your systems, about making you angry and fearful so you accept the great reset.

They're doing it and because you're conditioned to shout down any critical thinking as conspiracy theory, you have a real hard time waking up, buddy :)

But I know you will.
Till then.

Anonymous said...

The globalists use the fear of the virus but also threaten governments who do not want the great reset, clearly China, to fall in line or take the blame.

Notice how Democrats don't blame Russians yet don't know where it came from?

Because Russia is perhaps up for grabs and signalled that if the price is right, they'll condemn their people into this global mafia like reset too, in which they take everything from you.


Life. Liberty. Prosperity.

Anonymous said...

But it's hard to tell. Russia might truly fight with China and I don't blame them. We are creating a nightmare of a hellish system.

Anonymous said...

The election was stolen

Tell tell sign

They call you terrorist if you disagree.

That's not normal.

They called trump who obviously more people liked a Russian traitor and questioned the election for 4 years, almost 5, as they continue to do so.

I know its hard to believe.. but they're now purging the military or at least trying to.

This will come to a point very soon at which arrests are either made , citizen arrests if need be to stop this tyrannical government, or camps will be filled and a holocaust will ensue.

Anonymous said...

This is most revealing, snake RHINO Lindsey Graham had to tell their bodyguards multiple times to use deadly force against WE, the people

Not even their bodyguards want to protect them anymore. Many of the police on camera let in the protestors.


It's treason
You'll see. On prime time TV.

It's nearing the end. They're trying to stop it but fox committed to air it.

Anything is possible in a few more days.
Prepare for the eventuality of war, anything, false flags, ANYTHING so they can keep you divided, distracted and stay in power.

Covid lockdowns
Martial law
Empty supermarkets

They'll do anything now
Store food.