Sunday, November 7, 2021

President Biden Yells At A Reporter When Confronted About Offering Cash Payments To Illegal Immigrants For Breaking The Law

Daily Mail: Now Biden DEFENDS migrant compensation payments he called 'garbage' three days ago: Says families separated at border 'deserve some kind of compensation' but has 'no idea' if it will be as much as $450,000 

* Biden was speaking at a press conference touting the passage of the $1.2trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill when he was asked about the payments 

* Biden was forceful in saying he would try to get payments to those families, criticizing former President Donald Trump's border policy. 

* 'You deserve some kind of compensation, no matter what the circumstance,' he said of separated families. 'What that will be, I have no idea' 

* Last week it was revealed that officials from the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments 

* The American Civil Liberties Union, which represents the separated families, has identified about 5,500 children separated from parents at the border 

* The total potential payout could cost $1 billion or more President Joe Biden furiously defended a plan to send payments to families separated at the southern border Saturday, days after calling a report that the payments were as much as $450,000 'garbage.' 

Biden was speaking at a press conference touting the passage of the $1.2trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill when he was asked about the payments. Fox News' David Spunt asked: 'You said last week, that this report about migrant families at the border getting payments was garbage.'

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: That is one very uncomfortable video to watch. 

Screaming at reporters never makes a US President look good, and it certainly does not dictate some kind of moral authority! I do not think I have to point out that this type of behavior is unbecoming of a US President.

But I think there is a bigger story at play. 

Reports have been circulating since the summer that President Biden was having trouble controlling his emotions. Quiet one second, and when not happy with something yelling a second later. Looking at the above video, I have to now say that these reports/leaks are probably true. 

As to the story that got him to react like this. He did say that reports of payments to illegal immigrants breaking the law was "garbage" (see video below).

A story that changed the next day when his own White House contradicted him, saying that settlements are being negotiated that could reach that amount. 

And when pressed about it again the next day (Saturday), that is when the US President wildly yells about people losing their children, while pointing in a threatening manner. 

But his explanation on family separation is wrong. Under US law it is illegal to keep families together in detention facilities. Children have to be released to other relatives or foster care within a set amount of time. (an explanation of this law is here).

Update: I hope to God this is not true .... Biden Is Clueless About His Own Administration (Victory Girls).  


RussInSoCal said...

Every single assertion Biden has made has been proven to be the exact 180 degree opposite of the reality.

In other words, he's a bald faced pathological liar.

Anonymous said...

There's an excellent chance he doesn't even know it.

Unknown said...

The world is watching especially America's enemies. Bad things are going to happen. Keep ducking 🙈

Anonymous said...

I dislike Boden, but WNU is hilarious in how bias they are.

"Screaming at reporters never makes a US President look good, and it certainly does not dictate some kind of moral authority! I do not think I have to point out that this type of behavior is unbecoming of a US President."

Trump screamed/shouted at reporters all the time. The sheer amount of shoe-switching here is mental. Starting to think the WNU's trump book has some sticky pages...

Anonymous said...

Biden is a tyrant. An installed tyrant. As all leftists are. The only question left is what the trail of destruction will look like in the US when they are done.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the sock puppet parade is back folks!

Anonymous said...

This is what you voted for Democrats. This proves that Democrat voters can not be trusted to exercise the franchise responsible. Democrat Party must be banned and Democrat voters disenfranchised, for the good of the people and of the nation. The alternative: A Marxist takeover of the Untied States.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

if he screams how sleepy can he be?

Anonymous said...

You've heard of sleepwalking, 9:59. How about sleep yelling?

Anonymous said...

how about sleep wanking?

Dave Goldstein said...

Screaming at people is a sign of 3rd stage dementia. On top of sleeping on the job and the other signs.

Anonymous said...

My wife screams at me a lot. She is 34. Should I see a doctor or divorce attorney?