Thursday, November 4, 2021

Russia's COVID-19 Death Toll Hits Record High For Second Day In A Row As Pandemic Shows No Signs Of Abating

© Sergei Bobylev/TASS  

RFE: Russia's COVID-19 Death Toll Hits Record High For Second Day In A Row  

Russia's daily COVID-19 death toll has reached a record high for a second day in a row amid a surge in cases blamed by the authorities on a low vaccination rate that has forced the imposition of a nationwide workplace shutdown. 

The government coronavirus task force on November 3 reported 1,189 fatalities, surpassing the previous day's record of 1,178 deaths. 

It was the third record number of fatalities in four days, after 1,161 deaths were registered on October 31 as the pandemic continued to ravage the country. 

The authorities also reported 40,443 new infections in the last 24 hours, including 6,827 in Moscow.  

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Russia's COVID-19 Death Toll Hits Record High For Second Day In A Row As Pandemic Shows No Signs Of Abating  

Crisis center reports 40,443 coronavirus cases in Russia over past 24 hours -- TASS  

Russian regions extend workplace shutdown, Moscow to lift curbs -- Reuters  

In Russia, COVID-19 surge shows no signs of abating -- ABC News/AP 

Russian regions extend stay-at-home week to curb coronavirus -- The Hill


Anonymous said...

Pssssst it's the vaccines

Anonymous said...

Watch! Best ever on the data

Anonymous said...

And you know there's so many pilots now who suffer from blood clots and myocarditis and have been declared unfit for flying

I am soooooo sure, this totally won't be a problem with regards to F35 pilots, a key asset in the barely existing air supremacy of the US already.
A program which for years prior to covid had pilots pass out due to the oxygen supply issues in that plane

Coupled with covid vaccines and you might as well not have an F35 program.

It is not only wrong
It is not only against all prior vaccine knowledge

It's not already killing so many


Speak out now or be destroyed and ruled soon


And defend your values

They attack your body and your mind
Resist the fear
Use common sense

Listen to actual scientists
Look at the lies around it, the inhumane punishment those who tell you they care for you dish out, to you know, save you

Yeah right if it's about saving you, then why did 200+Congress members collude (!!!!) AGAINST THE PEOPLE by forbidding them ivermectin and taking it themselves!!??

Resist tyranny at all costs
Punish the liars and traitors
Legally :)

But it has to be done or without law, without rights, without bodily autonomy, without truth, you have nothing. Not even your existing F35 program.

It is that grave.
And just think of the long term consequences if the vaccines have injured so many already. The cancer. The heart issues. It's an extinction level event and most unvaccinated seem to be doing better.

I don't claim that it's a 100% clear cut case, BUT I'm stating against the narrative and loudly so that THOSE who do claim the vaccine is great and nothing else is allowed to be said at the threat of incarceration now. They'r not your friends.

They even suppress and silence Nobel prize winners in the directly related fields

No. It's treason alright.

You must know it. Look around you.
Lies. Division. Corruption and worse.

Right in your face.

Good luck either way.

Anonymous said...

Clarification as I type quickly

It's POTENTIALLY an extinction level event (as they cannot predict reliably the risk, based on the short trials they had.. many vaccine injuries take years to manifest, like cancer, but it's on the uptick already a bit, but the real issues seem to be blood clotting, myocarditis, strokes, and general exhaustion after each vaccine drive)

And each timer Russian roulette on top of the exhaustion

It smells like treason
Not incompetence

Treason and corruption
Some know more than others

And then others are just plain stupid and were misled and used

Anonymous said...

One nation under God

Not under vaccine tyranny
Not under Fauci
Not under Klaus Schwab

You're nations under God.
That's what unites you.

That's why they can divide you so easily today.

Anonymous said...

"Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America"

ERs are swamped... but not with COVID cases...the main things that are being treated include “blood clots” and “heart conditions”…

About half a year late to when I first warned you, BUT BETTER LATE THAN NEVER

Ffs wake up people