Monday, November 8, 2021

So Much For Russian President Putin's Pledge To Increase Gas Supplies To Europe

Bloomberg: Russia Keeps Grip on Europe’s Gas Market Despite Putin’s Pledge 

Russian President Vladimir Putin promised Europe more gas starting on Monday. 

So far, there are no signs the continent will get any relief. German gas orders via a key Russian pipeline signaled a very small increase in shipments on Monday, while no extra capacity to send additional supplies to Europe was booked in auctions on Sunday. 

That’s a disappointment for traders who had been counting on Gazprom PJSC to follow Putin’s orders to ease the continent’s supply crunch.  

Read more ....  

Update: "No Extra Gas Booked" - European Gas Prices Surge After Putin Punks Freezing Continent (Zero Hedge)

WNU Editor: I expect Russian natural gas supplies will increase in the coming weeks/months. There is too much money and political influence on the table for the Kremlin to not grab it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well the great news is soon all that LNG Europe secured from America during the president Trump years is coming online.
Oh wait, you say the Europeans refused to sign LNG contracts?
The Germans hated Trump too much, so no deals.
Man that’s going to leave a mark in December.