Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Taliban Inaugurates Their "Islamic Emirate Army" In Kandahar With Largest-Ever Convoy Of Captured US Armored Vehicles And Helicopters


Zero Hedge: Taliban Inaugurates "Islamic Emirate Army" With Largest-Ever Convoy Of US Armored Vehicles 

The Taliban on Tuesday inaugurated its "Islamic Emirate Army" in the large city of Kandahar in Afghanistan's south by showcasing a lengthy parade of armored vehicles taken from US and NATO forces. 

While it's not the first time since conquering the country in August amid the rapid US troop withdrawal that the Taliban has held military parades touting its newly acquired Western hardware and weaponry, the Kandahar parade did appear to involve the most US-supplied vehicles ever on display at once.  

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WNU Editor: It looks like they are maintaining the equipment and weapons that they captured.


Anonymous said...

Good observation!

Jac said...

Maintaining for how long time?