Saturday, November 6, 2021

This Is Why The Taliban Will Grow Even More Extreme With Time

Afghan Minister of Refugees Khalil Haqqani speaks during an open-air rally on the outskirts of Kabul on Oct. 3. Hoshang Hashimi/AFP  

Foreign Policy: With Haqqanis at the Helm, the Taliban Will Grow Even More Extreme 

The Haqqani network has long been the most lethal and vicious element of the Taliban. 

Afghanistan’s newly appointed minister of interior and acting minister of refugees each have $5 million bounties on their head for their involvement with international terrorism. Sirajuddin Haqqani and his uncle, Khalil, are members of the Haqqani network, an Afghan Sunni Islamist militant organization that is functionally part of the Taliban and which the United States designated as a foreign terrorist organization in 2012. 

The Haqqani network has long been the most lethal and vicious element of the Taliban, itself a highly violent and rapacious group. Now, with Sirajuddin in a leadership role, the Taliban will inevitably grow more radical over time, quashing any hopes for a “kinder, gentler” Taliban.  

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WNU Editor: The news coming out of Afghanistan keeps on getting worse with each passing day.


Anonymous said...

@wnu Russia gate unravelling, Steele dossier source arrested, it looks worse and worse for the Democrats and Clinton's, Obama's and Biden's by the day

I wouldn't be surprised if they truly committed the election theft and treason@great reset on top, and the vaccines

They did it all

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Right.

Anonymous said...

President Biden had the vision and guts to end a terrible war.

That's why he has my vote in '24 and will win by more than the 7 million votes he won by last time.

Keep up the good work Joe.

Anonymous said...

Right on!