Friday, November 5, 2021

Tonight's Movie Is 'The Crossing'


WNU Editor: Great film on the Washington's crossings and his attack on the Hessian troops the morning after Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please watch:

Today's American Journal
Tyrannical takeover in Australia, watch 1h41min in, it's horrific and MUST be stopped. Do NOT allow this to go on, or your society will be destroyed.

Today's David Knight Show


They are vaccinating us against human rights, against our will, against any morale, and all their contracts they base this on are blacked out. The theft of trillions of wealth AND human rights violations AND taking off our rights. NO MORE!

It seems a transnational, corporate like tyrannical government machine is trying to take over, horrific and inhumane in its nature, risking all of mankind with a vaccine everyone knows barely works and seems to be connected to many new disease outbreaks and make the viruses out there stronger on top of it all. The vaccines are also connected to AntiBodey Enhancement syndrome, death and a few other APPARENT THINGS YOU DO NOT WANT.

It seems as demonically befallen entities conspiracy against humanity to take our dignity, freedom, right to self-determination, bodily autonomy, and they seem to be hellbent on destroying our bodies, to then let us experience the World through Facebook's (Meta=death) Metaverse.

Just wtf is this?
They are hurting children ffs, you must wake up to this!

I believe what's going on is this:
They have decided to end our mostly-human form, and more and more seem to merge with machines and replace us humans with machines.
And they do not accept "NO" for an answer.

They are hurting the global human race.. physically, mentally and spiritually.
It is no longer just authoritarian, it no longer is human rights violations, this is an attack on Earth, on all of humanity!

Arrest the perpetrators of these demonic, inhumane acts, and the puppet masters behind them