Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Top U.S. General Does Not Believe China Will Move On Taiwan In The Next Two Years. Also Says The U.S. Will Defend Taiwan


FOX News: Milley says it's unlikely China will try to move on Taiwan in next two years 

Secretary of State Blinken recently affirmed US support of Taiwan against Chinese aggression 

It's unlikely that China will make some kind of move on Taiwan within the next two years, 

U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley said on Wednesday. 

Milley's comments came amid heightened tension in the region and U.S. reassurances that it would stand with Taiwan against Chinese aggression. 

Milley was asked on Wednesday whether he thought China was preparing to make a move on Taiwan within the near future.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: General Milley also says that the US will defend Taiwan from an invasion .... Milley: US 'absolutely' could defend Taiwan from China (The Hill). More here .... US 'absolutely' has ability to defend Taiwan - Pentagon general (Bangkok Post). 

 It is night-time in Beijing right now. I expect a quick Chinese response to General Milley's remarks within 12 hours. 

General Milley made these remarks at the Aspen Security Forum 2021. You can see the complete video below.



Anonymous said...

Milley Vanilley does mot Believe China Will Move On Taiwan In The Next Two Years. She also says the U.S. will defend Taiwan,

Milley Vanilley was wrong on Afghanistan and we had how many intel assets there?

Our intel assets in China were rolled up. China has intel assets in the White House. China has intel assets in Senator Feinstein's staff. Pelosi's husband is beholden to his Chinese investments.

So Milley Vanilley has spoke. So what. He should put his time to better use and go back to putting in hos work in reading about white rage and destroying the US military with illegal COVID mandates.

The Sec Def issued an order. IT said that service members must get vaccinated with FDA approved COVID vaccines. There are no FDA approved COVID vaccines on the market. So why is Milley Vanilley kicking people out of the military.

Milley Vanilley ordering service members to take unapproved vaccines in an UNLAWFUL order.


Anonymous said...

no enlightment 4 china only hybrids no soul yet

Anonymous said...

soon hybrids will have soul u fools

Anonymous said...

evil will rule soon

Anonymous said...

no god

Anonymous said...

So China will attack before the end of the year if we're going by the accuracy of their statements on the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.

Jac said...

Okay, if China attacks Taiwan sooner than expected, we'll appoint an expert committee to report back to help us have a national debate on exactly what the issue is.
We will win, that's for sure.