Saturday, November 6, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


Anonymous said...


The richest people in the World, those 50 families or so that own 90% of the World, those who own BlackRock, Vanguard and hold about 30 trillion among them. They have won the game of Capitalism. And they don't want you to have any more say. They have moved all the chess pieces into place, all the politicians, all your institutions. They have captured them all and more and more fell this week.

If none of you stand up now, you will eternally be damned to live your lives made sick, dependent on them, confused, programmed, isolated, in fear. Many of you will be exterminated. And that's perhaps more merciful compared to what lies ahead for those of you who survive.

Hunger Games.
Gladiator games.
They signalled for so many years that they want this. So many people have disappeared. So many children were found in dungeons and cultist temples associated with our institutions - from churches to financial institutions and research, many many were connected to Epstein, who they killed about 3 months before the "outbreak".

They hated Trump because he woke many of us up to the lies of the Media.
I was awake maybe 2 years before Trump got into office. Saw the lies, saw the programming. So I, like many others, have remained immune to their lies and have caught up to the manipulation games they play.

Believe me.
They are killing us.

The same organisations that have been found to be corrupt to the bone - from Pfizer, which even before Covid "broke out" was known for their notorious business practices, having covered up massive fraud, deaths, etc and having to pay out billions. But, as they are all in bed with each other, and corruption breeds corruption things got worse over time.

Let me explain this way:

Everything evolves. Nature exerts evolutionary pressure on life forms. That we all know from high school or Biology class, and it is true;
We can obeserve it in accelerated breeding, among horses, animals, etc.
And many eugenicists - almost all of the ones who push the great Reset - from very known royalty to hidden trillionaires, true trillionaires, not net-worth trilloinares like Elon Musk. Some own entire countries. Monarchs. Rulers who hide their treasure from any form of government they would have to account to. They often are governments AND own other governments. Literally, not figuratively.

And they have won the game of capitalism quite a while ago actually, what we are seeing in the next couple of years is their accelerated crack down on everyone, and I mean everyone. Because for years they have shaped our reality through media, and they have started to play Gods.

In fact, they believe they have the right to.
They argue they own everything and have done so in legal manner.
They argue that you should just give up, not complain, not ask questions, and just become a slave, because
They argue you are a so called "eater", someone who is not like them.

And these people, the puppet masters are putting real psychopaths in charge at the moment.
From the prime minster in Australia, New Zealand, to Biden - they have been put in charge because of temper issues, unaccountability, corruption and corruption of the heart. They are sinister people, who divide us and put us in fear and treat their own people with such despise, no one should follow them.

They have broken inumerable laws, all norms, all human rights, are torturing and holding entire populations now hostage.
Are seperating women from their children.
Are pitting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated
Are lying to you about the safety/risk profile of the vaccine
In fact they changed over the last few years, just before covid broke out, even the meaning of vaccine
They change language history and now humanity
They talk about replacing all of us with machines, literally now

At what point does humanity wake up to its enslavement.
Some of us are awake.

Are you?


Anonymous said...

The enforcers of the great reset (Biden is a front man) have captured your institutions, including the FBI

they now try to get rid of evidence

It's so obvious
If you accept banana republic, you'll live in hell

Anonymous said...

Was the pilot vaccinated?
I've heard pilots are being grounded due to blood clots and myocarditis after vaccination

Anonymous said...

"Shares of German biotech company BioNTech, which co-developed a Covid-19 vaccine with US company Pfizer, took a dramatic 20% plunge on Friday in the wake of a damning whistleblower report.

The price of BioNTech shares traded on the NASDAQ exchange briefly fell by around $60, and stood at around $216 at the time of writing. 

Some analysts tied the dramatic fall – which amounted to more than 20% – to the publication of an explosive report on the trials of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine. Published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on Tuesday, the report cites a former contractor and claims to expose a staggering level of incompetence in management, the handling of data, and patient safety during the testing process."

Anonymous said...

and then when we wake what do we do?

Anonymous said...

Wake others