Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


Anonymous said...

My dear beloved Vaccine,
I love you so, so eternally much.

You make me grow and spread,
To every corner of the land.

And my dear beloved Fear,
Without you - I am certain -
I wouldn't be here.

And my dearest,
Most treasured,
Most valued Censorship.
How I do cherish you most.
The darkness you help spread,
The evil you permit,
We just were meant to be together.

Yours forever,

The Great Reset

Anonymous said...

Why is the EU keeping the details of its contracts with vaccine makers secret from its MEPs?

And to those of you who remember, I posted one of the leaked country contracts/ extortion decrees Pfizer issued a few months back.

In short, your governments have signed illegal documents, rendering them(the governments who illegally signed this) illegitimate.

Authority comes from legitimacy and they have lost it all.

Gambled your health
Gambled your future
Lied you you about it for months, and doubling down now,
Until you show them the door