Saturday, November 6, 2021

US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm Laughs When Asked About Lowering Gas Prices


WNU Editor: I am old enough to remember when politicians were laughing at President Trump's plan to boost oil and energy production when he ran for the Presidency in 2016. 

Within a year of his Presidency US production increased substantially, the US was self-sufficient AND it had become the world's largest oil producer, and prices crashed to levels not seen for generations.

It also neutered the OPEC cartel. 

The Biden administration's policies of cancelling major infrastructure projects like pipelines, limiting fracking and other energy extraction projects, coupled with an increase in tax and regulatory measures .... all of this is going to damage energy production and will limit supplies resulting in higher prices. 

The political problem for the Biden administration is that many Americans know this, and I am willing to bet that there is going to be a political price for this in 2022. 

The above video of US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm laughing is a campaign ad in itself.


Anonymous said...

Latest War Room with Owen Shroyer

Anonymous said...

She's laughing because you still haven't caught on that their plan is to destroy America

Why can you not see it for what it is?

They hate America and say so in their own words

They have been brainwashed into an agenda of hatred, division, corruption and treason and they truly believe they'r the good ones

They're in a cult

They take cult drugs

They sabotage your energy supply

They weaken your borders

They bankrupt the middle class

They pit you against another

They make a mockery of justice

They destroy your faith in institutions

They have political prisoners which they in fact do torture, real beatings, real abuse

And they control the media

You're being marked for destruction

They are the tools

They are doing it in front of you AND laughing

Jac said...

How this administration member can be that stupid?

Anonymous said...

Jac, they're not stupid

They're completely confusing because you think like an American, who wishes good upon your nation.

To understand them you need to understand the great reset, what it calls for.

Then you'll see that the Democrat party, on these key issues, aligns with the reset.

Not all are filled in, just paid off

Not all are traitors, but all are corrupt

Go for the traitors who decided to bring down your nation, and mine in Europe.

These leaders of our nations, seem to have abandoned democracy, and the concept of a sovereign nation state, collapsing ours in front of our eyes, purposefully and systematically, but because they distract you with theater and inverted language you don't see it.

To identify the traitors or corrupt

Look at what they do

They destroy the bedrock of all nations and culture and society, to change it all in their image.

And they have captured our institutions, from media to big tech

Less than 10 families own almost all of the world now financially speaking. And they believe that gives them the right to do all this, they see themselves as rulers over us, but dare not to say what they think because it isn't true.

That only rule over us through manipulation, lies, deception and theft.

And once you see what they are about to do....

Anonymous said...

Laughing at our cries.

Such quality people these demoncrats.

Anonymous said...

On the one hand modern leftists are the Nazis of the early 30s. On the other they are too stupid to ever create the machine that the Nazis had. Thats the good news.

Anonymous said...

That and our beloved constitution allows us to continue speaking out. We have not been statutorily criminalized as of yet.

Anonymous said...

Of course the "great reset" becomes more desirable the more damage they can do?