Monday, November 8, 2021

US Navy Names Ship After Gay Rights Leader Harvey Milk


Daily Mail: US Navy names ship after gay rights leader Harvey Milk: Transgender health expert smashes champagne on bow with sister vessels set to be christened after RFK and Rep. John Lewis 

* Replenishment oiler USNS Harvey Milk was christened on Saturday in San Diego 

* Named for slain gay rights leader Harvey Milk, who served four years in the Navy 

* Milk was one of the first openly gay candidates elected to public office 

* He was assassinated in 1978 by former San Francisco official Dan White 

* Step was hailed, amid separate claims that armed forces are now too woke 

A Navy ship named for slain gay rights leader Harvey Milk, who served four years in the Navy before being forced out, was christened by a transgender veteran and launched in San Diego Bay on Saturday. 

Milk was one of the first openly gay candidates elected to public office. 

He was serving on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1978 when a former political colleague, Dan White, assassinated him and Mayor George Moscone at City Hall. 

The replenishment oiler USNS Harvey Milk slid down the shipyard ways after a bottle of champagne was smashed on the bow by former Navy officer Paula M. Neira, clinical program director for the John Hopkins Center for Transgender Health.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The main stream media is ignoring his past .... Harvey Milk Was An 'Evil Man' Who Raped Teenage Boys, Unworthy Of Postage Stamp: Matt Barber (Huffington Post). More here .... Woke US Navy names ship after accused pedophile Harvey Milk (The Post Millenial). 

More News On The US Navy Naming An Oiler After Gay Rights Leader Harvey Milk  

Navy launches ship named for gay rights leader Harvey Milk -- Navy Times/AP  

NASSCO christens and launches the future USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO 206) -- Naval News  

US Navy launches ship named for gay rights activist Harvey Milk -- CNN  

US Navy launches ship to commemorate gay rights activist Harvey Milk -- The Hill  

The US Navy just launched a ship named after Harvey Milk - nearly 70 years after the gay rights icon was discharged from the service due to his sexuality -- Business Insider  

New US Navy ship named after gay rights icon & christened by transgender veteran receives mixed reception -- RT


Jac said...

Next boat will be name " Al Capone".

Unknown said...

How about the Tojo Army Barracks in the Philippines, USS Yamamoto & the Jack D Ripper Air Force Base? World's gone mad. Keep ducking 🙉

fazman said...

This ship will steer towards torpedos

Andrew Jackson said...

Dan Whjte ,American hero!

Jon said...

Never in my life would i have thought the usa would become this nasty. This will end in destruction of our way of life, obviously already in motion. The so called elite have called it and it’s game on fuckers

Anonymous said...

The murder was over Dan White resigning his job and the next say wanting it back. Yes, Dan White committed murder, but Milk is not a martyr.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new here. The Navy named a ship after an avid segregationist as well.

Anonymous said...

You are referring to John C Stennis.

"He supported the extension of the Voting Rights Act in 1982 ..."

"Stennis campaigned for Mike Espy in 1986 during Espy's successful bid to become the first black Congressman from the state since the end of Reconstruction."

So Obama can evolve on gay marriage, but Stennis cannot evolve on segregation?

America is still very segregated. The are Blacks only areas, which are demanded by radical Leftists.

How did USS John C. Stennis come to be named.

"In July 1978, the Senate voted to approve the construction of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and military spending bill authorizing the Pentagon to spend $36 billion for weapons. Stennis stated his hope and prediction "that this will be the last bill that will have a carrier of this type"."

"In spring 1981, Stennis predicted there would be larger opposition to military spending in the event of new proposals in favor of more funds being allocated. The New York Times referred back to Stennis in July when Senator Mark Hatfield conducted his first detailed foray into military spending as chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee.[104] In a Senate floor speech, Stennis warned that "great pressure" to an increase would persist with continued showing of a deficit in the federal budget and Americans would stop supporting the military and its budget "if our military forces do not show real improvement without damaging the health of our economy""

Stennis voted for less than the proposed presidential military budgets. in the mid 1970s. While that is true, he might have still have been considered hawkish compared to other members of the democrat party. So Stennis ight be considered a supporter of the strong military although he did not give the military what the military's analysis suggested that is needed.

The USS Stennis was contracted on 19988 and was commissioned in 1995 during the Clinton era. Democrats has 3 years to change the name while in control of the White House. Democrats were also in control of the Senate and House of Representatives from 1988 to 1995.

The Navy has used ploys such as naming submarines after cities. Stennis may not have always given what the military or White House wanted, but it did give them enough. Also Stennis evolved.

I cannot argue the same about Harvey Milk. Maybe Milk would have evolved if he had lived another 20 or 30 years. I see nothing in Milk's life to support naming a ship after him other than to pander to the LGBTQ community.

Anonymous said...

WNU Editor: The main stream media is ignoring his past ...

Probably because the source of those claims come from an anti-gay Christian evangelist who is known for their hatred of the gay community. Not to mention no evidence whatsoever has ever surfaced concerning those allegations.

But you want the mainstream media to pick up on it anyway?

That says a lot, and I mean a LOT, about you wnu editor.

Anonymous said...

Whites serve. gays serve. women serve. Indians serve. Hispanics serve. Catholics serve. Protestants serve. Muslims serve. singles serve. Married serve.Jews serve. atheists serve.
get over it

Anonymous said...

11:40 and 12:22

You are both wrong.

What Harvey did is chronicled in Randy Shilts's book "The Mayor of Castro Street". If you want your politicians to have sex with down and out teenage runaways in the street, then Harvey Milk is your guy. Does it matter of the information come from a gay man, Randy Shilts or an anti-gay Christian evangelist?

Anonymous said...

12:22 voted for Obama and Biden

"Barack Obama confuses Scotland with Ireland as he talks of being in the 'Emerald Isles' at Glasgow COP26 conference (before quoting England's Shakespeare) "

How smart can 12:22 when he votes for a guy like Obama?

Obama thinks Austrians speak Austrian.

Anonymous said...

Ask Trump He knows our military among so much more stuff
We would match Obama's smarts against Trump's anytime.Trump is a fucking liar who claims he won the election when 30 courts tossed out any and all claims his gang of misfits had made. Oh. Right. You do not believe the GOP appointed judges in those cases.

Anonymous said...

Wore a navy belt buckle until the day he died

As a young graduate, Milk enlisted in the US Navy during the Korean War, serving aboard the submarine rescue ship USS Kittiwake (ASR-13.

In a serendipitous fate of irony, the 742-foot-long USNS Harvey Milk was launched from San Diego where Milk himself was stationed serving as a diving instructor.

In 1949, the Department of Defence anti-homosexuality regulations stated: "Homosexual personnel, irrespective of sex, should not be permitted to serve in any branch of the Armed Forces in any capacity, and prompt separation of known homosexuals from the Armed Forces is mandatory."

Since then it is estimated that around 100,000 veterans have been discharged from the US military for being LGBTQ+.

Serving while openly gay, lesbian, or bisexual was not allowed until 2010 when Congress abolished the discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy which prohibited LGBTQ+ service members from serving while being open about their sexuality.

The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy was passed in 1993 under President Clinton. It was a step forward and a step back at the same time for gay rights, as it allowed LGBTQ+ personnel to serve on the condition that they were secretive about their sexuality.

The discriminatory policy was overturned by Obama 17 years later. During that time, it is estimated that some 14,000 service members were discharged during the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ era.

In 1951, when Milk enlisted in the Navy being homosexual was considered a shameful sackable offence, the stigma of which would follow the veteran onto civvy street.

Now let's talk about your military record

Anonymous said...

Don't believe you either.

Anonymous said...

"We would match Obama's smarts against Trump's anytime."

We? Is that "the royal we"? Seek help immediately

"As a young graduate, Milk enlisted in the US Navy during the Korean War, serving aboard the submarine rescue ship USS Kittiwake (ASR-13."

So? There are other gay vets of stature to choose from, who are not pedophiles. The objection to naming the ship is not that the person it is being named after is gay, but that they were pedophile.

If they wait 30 years they could name it after Pete Buttigieg. He is gay, he served, and he has high office. He is not smart, but that is not a consideration. Buttigieg's Secretary of Transportation work makes me question how smart intel officer have to be to do their work at the O1 or O2 level. I have come to believe it is cookie cutter. So long as you follow the recipe, you get a pat on the head. Between Buttigieg's mayorship and lackluster Sec Transportation work combined with us losing the Afghanistan war makes me seriously wonder what those intel analysis do and if it is of value.

I expect in your response you will obfuscate, conflate or commit some other evasion.

Anonymous said...

why you getting your self so agitated? The president called that. The nave ok with it. You, homophobe all upset...wait your turn: they may name a ship after you, a trans, next, when you get old enough to serve

fazman said...


Anonymous said...

It was in a book!!! It must be true then, since it was in a book!!!

Anonymous said...

Yup, yup evasion. Never answered the charge that Harvey Milk was a pedophile as documented by a gay author.

Anonymous said...

While we're on the subject of military records, where's your DD-214 Freddy?

Anonymous said...

Jack Galen McKinley

OF course Jack is going to take one for the team.

"While advocating for open acceptance of homosexuality in 1970’s San Francisco, Milk reportedly began a sexual relationship with a troubled 16-year-old runaway from Maryland named Jack Galen McKinley. Milk was 33 at the time, and had reportedly groomed and had sexual relationships with “many teenagers and young men” according to Randy Thomasson, a child advocate and one of the nation’s foremost experts on Harvey Milk."

McKinley later committed suicide.

Person has no money and how is he going to go after a popular and powerful figure who is
Mayor of Castro Street?

As we have seen DA's can choose to prosecute virtual no crimes.

Anonymous said...

That comment in ALL CAPS was really virulent. Makes me wonder about the allegations. It really does. Okay so a liberal/Democrat icon is defended. That is par for the course. But the vehemence in the replies which show dishonesty and lack of logic makes me wonder.