Friday, November 5, 2021

WHO Warns Of Another Covid-19 Wave In Europe. 500000 Deaths Expected By February 1


WHO: Europe Now Epicenter of COVID-19 Pandemic  

The World Health Organization’s regional director for Europe said Thursday the continent is now the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, accounting for 59 percent of all cases globally. 

At a virtual news briefing from Copenhagen, Hans Kluge said the current pace of transmission across the region’s 53 countries is of grave concern. 

He said new cases are approaching record levels, with the delta variant of the coronavirus driving the surge. 

Kluge said his agency’s latest data shows hospitalizations in the region more than doubled in one week. 

 Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Records throughout Europe and Asia are being broken right now .... COVID cases break records across Europe as winter takes hold (Euractiv). 


WHO Warns Of Another Covid-19 Wave In Europe  

WHO: Europe is again at epicenter of pandemic -- Axios  

COVID-19: WHO expresses ‘grave concern’ over cases in Europe -- FOX News  

'Grave concern' over Covid in Europe as German cases soar -- France 24 

COVID: Fourth wave 'in full force' in Germany as WHO warns Europe is 'back at epicentre' -- SKY News  

Alarm bells in 53 European, Central Asian countries, WHO warns of new Covid wave -- Hindustan Times

Europe Is Back Being The Epicenter Of The COVID-19 Pandemic -- IFScience


Anonymous said...

Weird.. about the same number as flu deaths in such a season and yet the flu is magically gone

But heart diseases, blood clots from the disease seems up. And cancer too.. all previously known side effects according to CDC,NIH And FDA

Stop this mass murder, mass human rights violations. These "vaccines" only work if the goal is to destroy society and our bodies to then rush us into the metaverse and not being able to resist the great reset

They'll come after religion
After your property, privacy and body

Anonymous said...

From the vaccine, not the disease

That's what they even say in public hearings

It's truly a cult and they force others to self harm themselves too

And it'll never end, it's a negative feedback loop

It only ends if enough stand up, so it's clear we are the majority

Stop vaccinating yourself with unsafe drugs

Stop giving in to these totalitarians, these nazis and massive human rights violators

They'll never stop