Thursday, December 9, 2021

China Says It Will Fire On US Troops That Come To Taiwan’s Aid

Washington Free Beacon: China Vows To Open Fire on US Troops That Come to Taiwan’s Aid 

China's military "will heavily attack U.S. troops who come to Taiwan's rescue" if a war between China and Taiwan breaks out, a possibility that is increasingly likely as the Communist regime readies its war machine on Taiwan's borders. 

The latest threat to attack the United States during any standoff between China and Taiwan was issued Thursday in the Global Times, an official Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece that prints the regime's propaganda. "It is credible that the [People's Liberation Army] will heavily attack U.S. troops who come to Taiwan's rescue," the paper wrote. "Such credibility is increasingly overwhelming the deterrence that U.S. troops may have."  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: From Chinese state media .... 

 .... The US mainly provides military support to Taiwan by selling weapons. Those weapons are generally destined to be destroyed by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) as soon as the reunification by force takes place. It is credible that the PLA will heavily attack US troops who come to Taiwan's rescue. Such credibility is increasingly overwhelming the deterrence that US troops may have. (Note to Sullivan: You are dragging US down by talking big: Global Times editorial)  

If China invades Taiwan and US troops are in the way. To me it is a given that these US forces will be fired upon.


fazman said...

The Chinese will find out the hard way that having a big modern military does not make up for zero combat experience, nor logistical or strategic planning.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese make it so very difficult not to hate them!

Anonymous said...

Washington Free Beacon. Straight trash.

Do better WNU.

Anonymous said...

"It is credible that the PLA will heavily attack US troops who come to Taiwan's rescue. S"

- Global Times


You are a selective, or haphazard reader or worse you are an ass. There were other news sources used in the blogpost, which corroborates the Washington Free Beacon.

You got the straight trash bit correct, but it is you that is straight trash.

Anonymous said...

Send them home in body bags.

Anonymous said...

What Constant Exposure To Negative News Is Doing To Our Mental Health

Who was it that said the strategy was to wear the Taiwanese down so they are resigned to their fate. Is constant menacing military maneuvers and propaganda threat similar to getting PTSD from reading bad news day in and day out?

Someone ought take a dictators 3rd leg put it above a door hinge and slam the door.

Tired of al this shit. Just nuke them already.

fazman said...


Anonymous said...

You can fire all you want to, but you'd better be hitting the enemy.

Anonymous said...
