Friday, December 10, 2021

Is President Biden And Vice President Harris On Talking Terms?

WNU Editor: The body language experts are having a field day on this video.


Unknown said...

Their disfunction mirrors their disfunction with the nation.

Anonymous said...


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Posting anonymously is one thing. Posting as a linked anon, when there is already another Unknown and yet there is nothing, is another.

"... mirrors their[sic] disfunction with the nation."

Apparent dysfunction between Republicans and Democrats, if you want to call it that, is one thing. But Harris and Biden are of the same putative party and the same administration.

Much of the dysfunction of the nation is directly traceable to the identity politics and Marxists class warfare practiced by the Democrats.

Newly resurfaced video shows Biden's new black Massachusetts attorney threatening reporters quizzing her about 'unhinged' confrontation with shopper where she 'impersonated a police officer'

That is Joe Biden's identity politics pick. She falsely impersonated a police officer, but due to her black skin privilege, she got away withy it. Most other people would have been arrested.

Layguy said...

Nothing Burger.

Unknown said...

I've occasionally had to work with people I have disliked, but I had a job to do. I was always polite, civil & helpful even though the other person was a bit of a bell end. You'd think they both would make an effort to look United in public. The USAs enemies are watching. Keep ducking 🙈

Anonymous said...

What's bigger is this

They all know the masks don't work
They all do it to divide you along those lines

ALL of them are illegitimate rulers by default

ALL of them need to be removed from office ASAP

We will have a great awakening, not your evil great reset, you demons and traitors